

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 16:35   恩波教育

  37 Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the pictures;

  2. interpret the meaning of the pictures;

  3. make your comments.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  这是一个非常好的题目,我们可以这样来构思:描述图表——分析其中道理——推广到生活中——采取行动。In the first picture, a young girl poured a whole barrel of water on a little flower in order to help it grow more quickly. In the second picture, the flower withered before long, and the child was crying—she wondered why things should be that way.

  Trees need water to grow up, and flowers need water to bloom. But too much water can no longer be helpful—it can only hinder their growth and even kill them. Whenever we water trees or flowers, we should do it according to the natural principle.

  Actually, whenever we take action in our daily life, we should follow the law of nature. It is understandable for us to dream of quick success and then take immediate actions to turn it into reality, but we should not be too hasty. If we are always in a hurry, quality often suffers, making it more difficult for us to attain the aim.

  Up until now, we come to understand the meaning of the old saying “Haste makes waste” better. We should break our great plan into small parts, analyze the feature of each part and carry it out step by step—when we follow the natural pace of development, success will soon be in our hands. 本文共分为四段。第一段描述两幅图画,突出了其中的对比。第二段分三句来阐述画中的道理。前两句话说树与花都需要水,但过多的水不但无益,反倒有害。最后一句话说浇水要符合自然规律。第三段共三句话。第一句说在日常生活中,我们应遵守自然规律。第二句说梦想快速成功然后立即采取行动是可以理解的,但是不能太着急。第三句话说如果总是匆匆忙忙,质量肯定会受影响,达到目的就更难了。最后一段两句话,第一句话说我们最终更好地理解了“欲速则不达”这句话。第二句话说了我们正确的做法——将计划拆分成小的部分,分析每部分的特点,而后一步步地付诸实施。该文由浅入深,环环相扣,渐入佳境,源自宏观上全局的安排和微观上语言的处理。从分析画本身的道理,说到我们的日常生活,再到我们处事的具体做法,非常自然,也使人感到亲切。


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