

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 16:35   恩波教育

  36 Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the picture;

  2. interpret the meaning of the picture;

  3. make your comment.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  本文可以分为三段来写。第一段对图画进行描述,引入谈论的问题。第二段对该现象进行分析。第三段作总结。I believe that nobody will ever forget the two pictures once he sees them: the first one depicts four students who come to a school with different ideas and opinions, and the second one shows that upon graduation, they have exactly the same pattern of thinking after training and education. The pictures are the manifestation of real happenings in many schools home and aboard. What brings about this disheartening result as we are investing more and more on education at different levels? My own answer to this question can be boiled down to only one word: standard.

  Let me explain it for you from two perspectives. On the one hand, many school teachers and administrators are under that great pressure of examinations with uniform criteria, such as the college entrance examination and the college English test. Educators, instead of concentrating on inspiring creativity, devoted themselves to finding out the hidden patterns of examinations. On the other hand, many other examinations are issued by teachers themselves, and they are far too random, and crosscomparison has been made impossible in many cases. When tuition and fees are soaring year after year, many schools establish the system of students choosing their teachers. If a teacher is strict with their students, he will not be chosen by any student later and he may even lose his job afterwards. The most possible outcome is that every time he looses the standard a little bit, and after several years, students only learn the most fundamental facts of a subject.

  German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote in The Dawn, “The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.” The school is not a big factory with an assembly line called “pattern education”, and students should not be products of this kind of education who think and act as taught.第一段先描述图画。之后说这是国内外许多学校的真实写照。而后提出问题:在各层次教育投资力度加大的今天,为何还会导致这种令人沮丧的结果呢?该段最后一句直接作答:可归结为一个词——标准。


  最后一段是结语,共三句话。第一句话引用德国哲学家尼采的话:“毁掉一个年轻人最好的方法是教导他们尊重想法相同的而不是想法不同的人。”学校不是拥有“模式教育”流水线的大工厂,而学生也不应该成为这种教育的产品,像被教的那样去思考和行动。 这篇文章谈论的是一个很重要的问题——模式化教育。该文第二段对这种现象进行了剖析。如果篇幅允许,可以增加第三段,写改善或解决该问题的办法,而将结论放在第四段。

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