贝嫂携小七空降纽约 Facebook畅谈家庭事业观

2013年02月07日11:16  沪江英语 微博   
贝嫂携小七空降纽约 Facebook畅谈家庭事业观 贝嫂携小七空降纽约 Facebook畅谈家庭事业观
贝嫂携小七空降纽约 Facebook畅谈家庭事业观 贝嫂携小七空降纽约 Facebook畅谈家庭事业观

  Last week Victoria's husband signed a new football contract with Paris St Germain, as their children settled back into life in Europe。

  But despite the Beckhams' latest adventure, Victoria has revealed she is missing her family's former Stateside home. However she did admit that she's looking forward to spending time in both London and Paris as she took part in a live Facebook chat on Monday for ELLE。

  Answering questions sent in by her fans, Victoria did well to cover an array of topics ranging from styling tips to how she balances motherhood with her career。

  Victoria wrote: 'I miss LA! I love America and am very excited to be in New York for Fashion Week, but I'm enjoying spending time in London. The boys are loving their new schools and we're all very excited about also spending some time in Paris over the next few months!'

  Currently in New York for Fashion Week alongside her 19-month-old daughter Harper, Victoria is gearing up to show off her main collection。

  The original WAG told of how her little girl is used to having her hair styled with the help of various hair clips and bands。

  She said: 'Harper has always had very long hair so has been used to it being pulled back to keep it out of her eyes since a very young age.'

  Victoria then went on to reveal that as of yet she has no plans to make a range for children, she continued: 'I'm often asked about a children's clothing line, there are so many great brands already doing this - I would never say never though!'


  来到纽约后,贝嫂就马不停蹄地在Facebook上回答了一众粉丝的问题。虽然,她已经是四个孩子的母亲了,但对自身事业的热爱依旧不减,不过这并不影响自己作为一名母亲,一名妻子。“每一位母亲都在尽力维持着家庭和事业的平衡,我也是。” 除此之外,她还在Facebook上说到,目前,对于设计童装她还没有计划,不过对她来说进军儿童服装也不是不可能的。

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