
2014年08月01日14:36  新浪教育     收藏本文     

  2.格特鲁德·斯坦  GERTRUDE STEIN

  格特鲁德·斯坦是名作家、诗人和艺术收藏家,她是20世纪初最受人爱戴和杰出作家,她的名言也被大量引用。1983年,新成立的“年轻的司各特图书出版社”作家玛格丽特·怀兹·布朗着迷似的鼓动当时的重要作家尝试创作儿童文学。她给欧内斯特·海明威、约翰·斯坦贝克还有格特鲁德·斯坦都写了信。 海明威和斯坦贝克表示没有兴趣,但斯坦给了布朗一个惊喜,她说自己已经快完成一部童书手稿,名为《世界是圆的》,她很乐意让布朗的出版社出版。经过重重坎坷,这本书终于问世了。斯坦要求纸张必须是粉红色的,用墨必须是蓝色的,插画工作则指定插画师弗朗西斯·罗斯来完成。年轻的司各特图书出版社克服技术上的困难实现了前两个要求,但他们并不希望让罗斯来配图,要求斯坦从出版社旗下的插画师中选一个。斯坦不情愿的选了克莱门特·哈德,他的第一部绘本那一年才刚刚面世。《世界是圆的》终于出版了,由一系列诗歌散文连贯成章。每一章都有单独的配图。首次出版包括350本特别书套包装版,并由斯坦和哈德亲笔签名。

  Writer, poet and art collector Gertrude Stein is one of the most beloved — and quoted — luminaries of the early 20th century. In 1938, author Margaret Wise Brown of the freshly founded Young Scott Books became obsessed with convincing leading adult authors to try their hands at a children’s book. She sent letters to Ernest Hemingway, John Steinbeck, and Gertrude Stein. Hemingway and Steinbeck expressed no interest, but Stein surprised Brown by saying she already had a near-complete children’s manuscript titled The World Is Round, and would be happy to have Young Scott bring it to life. Which they did, though not without drama. Stein demanded that the pages be pink, the ink blue, and the artwork by illustrator Francis Rose. Young Scott were able to meet the first two demands despite the technical difficulties, but they didn’t want Rose to illustrate the book and asked Stein to instead choose from several Young Scott illustrators. Reluctantly, she settle don Clement Hurd, whose first illustrated book had appeared just that year. The World Is Round was eventually published, featuring a mix of unpunctuated prose and poetry, with a single illustration for each chapter. The original release included a special edition of 350 slipcase copies autographed by Stein and Hurd。


  1942年,斯坦置出版商的阻力于不顾,写了第二部童书——精彩的《 备忘录:字母和生日书》,今年年初耶鲁大学出版社印刷了最新版,并由可爱的吉赛尔·波特负责插画创作。《我们曾经是小孩》介绍了它的幕后故事。

  The wonderful We Too Were Children has the backstory。


文章关键词: 文学泰斗儿童故事绘本

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