印裔英国小说家 萨尔曼·拉什迪 ,对他的评价可谓毁誉参半,但这他高产的写作生涯中有一点从未改变,那就是他对文字的嗜好。1990年, 他将自己的写作天赋播撒到儿童文学的天地中,创作出版了《哈伦和海的故事》—— 一个集时事社会公正话题的魑魅般的寓言故事,透过年轻主角哈伦和他父亲的眼睛,关注和探索了印度社会的种种问题。 此书获得当年最佳儿童文学作家协会奖。
Indian-British novelist Salman Rushdie has had his share of acclaim and controversy, but one thing that has remained constant over his prolific career is his penchant for the written word. In 1990, he turned his talents to children’s literature with the release of Haroun and the Sea of Stories — a phantasmagorical allegory for a handful of timely social and social justice problems, particularly in India, explored through the young protagonist, Haroun, and his father’s storytelling. The book received a Writer’s Guild Award for Best Children’s Book that year。
One of the book’s unexpected treats is breakdown of the meanings and symbolism of the ample cast of characters’ names, an intriguing linguistic and semantic bridge to Indian culture。
Twenty years later, just last winter, Rushdie followed up with his highly anticipated second children’s book, Luka and the Fire of Life: A Novel。
Thanks, SaVen
6.伊恩·弗莱明 IAN FLEMING
伊恩·弗莱明创作詹姆斯·邦德系列恐怕是史上最畅销的读物了,他也因此闻名遐迩。他的儿子卡斯帕1952年出世后的几年里,弗莱明决定为他写一部儿童读物。然而,《万能飞天车 》直到1964年才问世,那一年弗莱明去世了。 它讲述了波茨一家的故事,爸爸卡拉克塔库斯用发明特殊糖果赚到的钱买了一辆旧赛车,并把它改装成一辆独一无二的万能车,全家给它起了一个亲切的昵称:奇提奇提梆梆。弗莱明的灵感来自于赛车手兼机械师Louis Zborowski伯爵于20年代初组装的一系列航空发动机,他第一辆六缸迈巴赫航空发动机就叫做“奇提奇提梆梆”。
Ian Fleming is best-known as the creator of one of the best-selling literary works of all time: the James Bond series. A few years after the birth of his son Caspar in 1952, Fleming decided to write a children’s book for him, but Chitty Chitty Bang Bang didn’t see light of day until 1964, the year Fleming died. It tells the story of the Potts family and the father figure, Caractacus, who uses money from the invention of a special candy to buy and repair a unique, magical former race car, which the family affectionately names Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Fleming’s inspiration came from a series of aero engines built by racing driver and engineer Count Louis Zborowski in the early 1920s, whose first six-cylinder Maybach aero engine was called Chitty Bang Bang。
The original book was beautifully illustrated in black-and-white by John Burningham and was soon adapted into the 1968 classic film of the same name starring Dick Van Dyke。