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2012年10月09日16:57  新浪教育 微博   评论



  You have encouraged them to eat their greens, battled to get them into the best school and sweated with them over their homework – all to give them the best start in life. But your children’s prospects may have been determined long before all the hard work. A growing body of research suggests the first 1,00 days of a child’s life – the nine months in the womb and the first two years out of it – are vital to their long-term health.

  也许你还在努力赚钱为了自己的孩子能进名校能努力、也许你牺牲了你玩游戏网购的时间来陪儿子女儿做功课、也许你花了大价钱请名师来辅导女儿钢琴,为了是能培养一名琴棋书画的人才。可是,最新的研究结果显示,孩子的前途有可能在母亲肚子的9个月内就已经是注定了的,据悉,婴儿在母亲体内形成的最初100 天对孩子日后身体健康发展有着至关重要的影响。

  That period can permanently affect everything from a child’s chances of developing diabetes or having a heart attack in old age, to their future weight and life expectancy. The theory was developed after decades of research by Professor David Barker and his colleagues at Southampton University. They believe there are a series of critical stages in a child’s development. If conditions are not perfect at each step, problems can occur later.


  Many of these danger points lie when the baby is still in the womb. Poor nutrition for a mother affects both the unborn baby’s weight and how well the placenta works, while smoking, stress, drugs and alcohol can also take their toll.


  It is thought that when food is scarce in the womb, it is channelled to the fledgling brain, leaving the heart weakened. The seeds of diabetes may also be sown before birth, as the pancreatic cells which make insulin develop in the womb. Conditions in the uterus can also affect weight for years to come, studies suggest.


  Professor Barker said many of these early effects are ‘set in stone’ and cannot be undone. He added that the key to health is ensuring women eat well throughout their lives. He said: ‘It is about building a body that the baby can live off. The baby lives off the mother’s body – not what she snacks on during pregnancy.‘What we are seeing is a window of opportunity where we can make better people.


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