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5.2 典型签证准备范例

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/21 14:31  新浪教育

  5.2 典型签证准备范例



  University of Michigan /AOSS 武汉大学 地球遥感 本科


  2.Jacky Jiang

  The State University of New York, at Buffalo, Finance, 南开大学本科,清华应届MBA



  Maryland/Medical Imaging 东南大学 生物医学



  Harvard/biostatics 中国科技大学 计算机本科,统计金融



  Cornell/EE 成都电子科大 电机 本科



  Harvard/Urban design同济大学 建筑 本科



  Maryland/ME上海交通大学 本科


  5.2.1 胡颖

  University of Michigan /AOSS 武汉大学 地球遥感 本科

  案例特点: 外地名校北京签+敏感专业+非理性准备充分

  1)What is your purpose for the Visa?

  I need F-1 Visa in order to study for my PhD degree at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.

  2)Are you going to study in USA?

  Yes, I will study in the Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.

  What will you study in the United States?

  Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology. at the department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.

  What will you do in USA?

  I will go to pursue a PhD graduate study at the department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.

  Who is your advisor?

  Dr. Christopher Ruf. He is my future supervisor.

  3) How long will you study in USA?

  Five years, from this Aug. to Aug 2008.

  4)What do you do with your work for PhD?

  I need a more challenging place to train myself, burn myself and surpass myself. I am sure the study in UMich will speed up my future success in China.

  I will take courses in the first two years. From the third year, I will conduct my dissertation. At the same time I do research assistant job and finish the dissertation at last.

  5) How do you know this Univ.? How much do you know about the university?

  From Nature (2001.04). [There are many impressing pictures of space from this department.] Especially the Jupiter's Aurora picture taken by Hubble Space Telescope Imaging in the cover.

  The best is the best.

  The department provides best atmospheric program especially the hydrometeorology in the world.

  The lab I will study in is the best research institute in atmosphere all over the world.

  My advisor, Prof. Christopher Ruf, leads a leading research group in this field.

  And the environmental program of the university is only second to Stanford University. My undergraduate supervisor also recommended this university to me.

  6) Why do you choose this Univ.?

  Firstly, the atmospheric program in this school matches my interests perfectly.

  And the program there is the best of the best.

  It is one of the very best programs in this field in the world. It has a good academic atmosphere, provides unique program in atmosphere and has advanced experimental condition, employs notable faculty, and possesses a distinguished reputation.

  Secondly, this field is very promising in China.

  Thirdly, the landscape there is very beautiful - it is amount the ten best living places in US. And it has a very long history - it was founded in 1817.

  7)Why do you want to study in USA? Why do you want go to the United States for further study? Why do you want to study GIS in the US?

  I'll get the best graduate education in the world which would help my future career in China well.

  I want the eastern solid theoretical background and advanced western, especially U.S., techniques to help to build me a buddy scientist, a future scientific (technical) leader in China.

  To my major direction, USA has the advanced science and technology and the most active research environment in the world.

  To me, studying abroad for a period of time helps me to be more open-minded.

  Many universities in the China offer first-rate graduate programs in Atmospheric sciences. Why do you want to go to the USA for graduate study?

  The Nanjin University and Peking Univ. also provide great program in this field.

  But Nanjin Univ. is famous for the study of mesoscalemeteorology.

  And Peking Univ. focuses on the dynamics of the atmosphere.

  My research focus on hydrometeorology and that is strongest in the University of Michigan.

  8)Why do you want to pursue a PhD? Why do you think it is time for you to pursue PhD now?

  I want to train myself, burn myself and surpass myself. I am sure the PhD study in UMich will speed up my future success in China.

  During my working as a research assistant in my current lab, I found that the theoretical knowledge and technical experience of mine are far from enough. Moreover the intuition and inspiration accompanied by improved experience are key factors to an excellent scientist. The competitive and active academic environment in US will exert a profound influence on me. This area of research is also in urgent need in the meteorology in China.

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