2008年12月15日 11:12 新浪教育
63. tell it like it is 实话实说 A: I shouldn't have called you for advice. You're cruel, rude and ..... Aarrgh! A: 我不该打电话问你的意见的。你不但残忍、无礼还.....呃!!!! B: Well, I always tell it like it is and, unfortunately, sometimes the truth hurts. B: 嗯! 我一向实话实说的。只是, 有时候, 实话是伤人的。 嘿嘿嘿...这个人真是太狠了。其实说话真是一门很大的学问。如何勇敢地说出自己内心的真正想法, 又不伤害到别人的自尊心并不是一件很容易的事。 注:在美国, as it is经常看见, 你从别人手里买一两旧车, 别人可能会和你签一个书面协议, 叫做bill of sale, 上面说-- I, Qing Zhao, hereby sell my car, 99' Toyota Camry (VIN NO. 4T1SK12E7SU59765) as it is to _________________ for the amount of ____________ US dollars in Nashville, Tennessee. As it is 在这里的意思是"是什么样儿就是什么样儿". 也就是说, 你要是买了车以后发现别的毛病车主概不负责. 64. go places (在社会上等)成功; 有成就 A: This kid is definitely going places someday. I could see a little YoYo Ma in him. A: 这个孩子有一天必定会很有成就的。我在他的身上看到一个小马友友。 B: I don't know about that. I guess he can be anything he wants to be, as long as he's happy. B: 这我倒不知道。我想, 只要他开心, 他想作什么都可以。 感觉上, 中国父母比较容易会从小帮小孩子计画他们的未来, 替他们安排各种课程, 为的是将来他们长大后能在社会上有成就。美国的父母通常比较不会这样作。也许他们也会让孩子去上一些课, 但一般都是主张让孩子自己来决定自己将来想作什么。 和"go places" 相反的词语是 "go nowhere", 哪里都去不了, 没有前途的意思。有些人骂人家以后不会有前途时, 就会说:"You're going nowhere." 注:以此类推, nobody就是小人物的意思, 你可以说, I am nobody. Beatles有一首歌叫nowhere man, 前几句就是-- He's a real nowhere Man, Sitting in his Nowhere Land, Making all his nowhere plans for nobody. 65. beat around the bush 避重就轻; 回避某些话题 A: Anna, please quit beating around the bush. There's somebody else, isn't there? A: Anna, 请不要再回避话题了。(你心里)是不是还有别人? B: I'm sorry, Bruce. I didn't mean to mislead you. B: Bruce, 对不起.....我并不是故意误导你的 66. 注: 补充一些骂人的说法, 这个经常很管用. 一般的大脑进水, 英语里说--air headed (she is one air headed lady), 或者说 she is an air head; 一般的不靠谱, 是loose canon. e.g., you know he is a loose canon. how could you give him such an important assignment? 常见的神经病可以说是 jerk, freak, creep, maniac, lunatic--这些前面提到过了; 更深的程度, 变态, 的说法通常有--freak show, nut case. 你可以说 Steve is a freak show 或是steve is a total nut case; 再深的程度就是--sociopath, psychopath--这个就有变态杀人狂的意味了; 你疯了吧? 在英语里, 你可以说--are you crazy? are you nuts? 或者have you lost your mind?
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