
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年07月31日 11:39   新浪教育


  第四章 美容美发 第一节 理发   44开始理发

  您想把头发剪成什么样的?How would you like your hair cut?

  我想把头发分一下。I want my hair parted。

  您想把头发剪掉多少?How much do you want me to take off?

  请把头顶的头发再剪掉一点。Please take a little more off the top。

  要(者)哩还是营养水?Hair gel or hair tonic?

  稍微修剪一下就好。Just trim it a little。

  顶上要打薄一点。Thin out the top, please。

  留长一点。Leave it long。

  我的头发靠左边分。I wear my part to the left。

  我想留披肩发。I want to wear shoulder-length hair。

  Getting a Haircut

  Barber:How would you like your hair cut?

  George:Don’t cut it too short on the sides and the back. Just trim it a little。

  Barber:How about on top?

  George:You can thin the top out a little, just a little。

  Barber:You got it。

  George:Say, my hair is kind of oily.  Dandruff bothers me a lot. I’ve tried several shampoos, but to no avail. Could you recommend something effective?

  Barber:Well, have you tried Head and Shoulders? I recommend it to all of my clients with your problem and they think it’s great。

  George:Thanks. I’ll try it。

  Barber:And you can try Vidal Sassoon’s hair tonic. It’s used after you wash your hair. It’ll keep your hair clean-looking and oil-free。

  George:I’ll try that, too. Thank you。

  Barber:It’s done. That will be five dollars and thirty cents。

  第四章 美容美发 第二节 烫发染发   45烫发

  我要烫头发。I’d like a perm。

  你需要冷烫还是热烫?Do you want a cold wave or an ordinary perm?

  我只需轻烫一下。I just want a light perm。


  Do you want a tight, medium or naturally curly perm?

  我想把卷发拉直。I’d like to have my curly hair straightened。

  您烫了头发会更有魅力。You’ll look more attractive with curly hair。

  烫这个头发需要多长时间?How long will this perm take?


  Do you have pictures of hairdos to show me?

  A Haircut and Perm

  Hairdresser:Very sorry to have kept you waiting so long. What do you want, madam?

  Mrs. Smith:I want a haircut and a perm。

  Hairdresser:How long would you like your hair cut today?

  Mrs. Smith:Just cut a little off。

  Hairdresser:Do you want a tight, medium or naturally curly perm?

  Mrs. Smith:I’d like to have it medium。

  Hairdresser:How about your hairstyle?

  Mrs. Smith:Can you tell me my choices?

  Hairdresser:Well, with a perm we can do various kinds of patterns, such as a bob, chaplet hairstyle, or a bun. Which do you prefer?

  Mrs. Smith:I want a chaplet one. I like to have it in big waves。

  (two hours later)

  Hairdresser:It looks wonderful。

  Mrs. Smith:Turn the chair so that I can see myself in the mirror。

  Hairdresser:What do you think of it?

  Mrs. Smith:Beautifully done. Many thanks。

  第四章 美容美发 第二节 烫发染发  46染发

  我想染头发。I want to dye my hair。

  我想把头发染成棕色。I’d like my hair dyed brown。

  您想染什么颜色?Which color would you dye it?

  做个染发怎么样?How about doing hair coloring?

  这会褪色吗?Will it fade?

  我的头发需要焗油吗?Do I need hair treatment?

  有好牌子的染发剂吗?Have you got a good brand of hair dye?

  金黄色太怪异了。Blonde is too erratic。

  我一直喜欢黑色。Black is always my favorite。

  Having the Hair Dyed

  Mary:Could I have my hair dyed?

  Hairdresser:Certainly. Which color do you want to dye it?

  Mary: I want the latest fashion. Can you make some suggestions?

  Hairdresser: Right now, many girls are dying their hair blonde。

  Mary: I don’t think that would suit me very well. Blonde is kind of erratic。

  Hairdresser:Then what do you think about pink?

  Mary: Oh, no. I think it better to be a natural Chinese with natural Chinese hair? Have you got a good brand of hair dye?

  Hairdresser:Yes. We have several brands. Which one do you prefer.  

  Mary:I want the best one。

  Hairdresser: First, you need a shampoo. It makes it easier for your hair to be dyed…Well, let’s dunk your hair in the water.Your hair will be thoroughly cleaned that way。

  (one hour later)               

  Mary:After this dye job, it feels like I look younger。

  Hairdresser:Your hair is definitely fresh and shinier-looking。


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