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2013年04月16日14:15  沪江英语 微博   

  1. Management is command and control.1.管理就是命令和控制。

  Horrible bosses think their job is to order employees to do things and make certain that they do them。极品老板会认为他们的工作是命令员工做事并且确保员工做了这些事。

  Smart bosses know that the job of managing is mostly helping employees be more successful and making difficult decision that employees can't make on their own。而聪明的老板会明白,管理工作的本质是帮助员工变得更加成功并且帮助员工决定那些他们自己没法决定的事儿。

  2. Employees should WANT to work long hours.2.员工应该希望工作很长时间。

  Horrible bosses are convinced that employees who don't want to work 60-hour work weeks are slackers and goldbricks。极品老板怀有这样的观念:不希望工作60小时工时的员工都是混日子的和懒惰鬼。

  Smart bosses know that numerous studies have shown that any attempt to consistently work more than 40 hours a week reduces productivity。聪明的老板明白,不可计数的研究都表明了假如长期每周工作40小时,会影响工作效率。

  3. I manage numbers rather than people.3.我管理的不是人而是数据。

  Horrible bosses put all their energy into making certain that the numbers come up right, even if it means changing the numbers。极品老板把他们全部的精力花在确保数据上的稳步提升。即使这意味着修改数据。

  Smart bosses know that the only real way to get good numbers is to help your people make their numbers。而聪明的老板则知道得到好看数据的唯一方式是帮助你的员工达成他们的指标。

  4. If I really need something done, I do it myself.4.假如我确实需要完成某事,我会亲自来做。

  Horrible bosses think of themselves as the star performer who can fix any problem by yanking back authority and responsibility。极品老板认为他们自己是最了不起的执行者,他们能依靠把权力和义务收回来解决一切问题。

  Smart bosses realize that true leadership entails motivating people to own their own successes and failures。聪明的老板则意识到,真正的领导需要激励员工去承担他们自己的成功和失败。

  5. I don't decide until I have ALL the data.5.除非看到所有的数据,我不会做决定。

  Horrible bosses are so risk averse that they require mountains of information before making any important decision。极品老板极端规避风险,他们做重大决定之前需要获得堆积如山的信息。

  Smart bosses understand that there's a point (and it usually comes fairly quick) that additional information merely muddies the waters。聪明的老板知道除了最重要的那个信息(往往是很快就能得到的)以外,其他信息对大局并不能掀起什么波澜。

  6. I own the success and you own the failure.6.成功是我的功劳,失败是你的错。

  Horrible bosses take the credit when things go well and point the finger when things go poorly。极品上司在事情进展顺利时居功自傲,而在事情进展糟糕时对下属指指点点。

  Smart bosses know that their real job is to 1) fix the failures before they happen and 2) publicize the wins that employees achieve。聪明的上司知道,他们真正的工作是:1)在错误发生之前做出修正以及 2)宣传员工所获得的胜利。

  7. I like to keep them guessing.7.我乐意看着他们瞎猜。

  Horrible bosses play their cards close to the chest and never let employees into the decision-making process。极品老板把自己手中的牌握得紧紧的,根本不让员工进入决策程序。

  Smart bosses know that decisions are more successful when those tasked with the implementation of them are involved from the start。聪明的老板则明白假如那些最终被指派任务的人从一开始就参与了决策,这个决策的进展往往会更加成功。

  8. The salary review is the perfect time to coach.8.薪资评估时期是训话的绝佳时间。

  Horrible bosses sandbag their complaints, criticisms, and advice until the employee's performance review。极品老板在绩效考评时期将他们对员工的抱怨、批评和建议倾泻而出。

  Smart bosses realize that employees panic when they're bushwhacked and can only change behavior when they're coached gradually and regularly。聪明的老板懂得,当员工们面对突如其来的批评时会手足无措,而最好的纠正员工行为的方法是定期逐步地对他们进行管理。

  9. I'm so important I don't have to be polite.9.我是重要人物所以我不需要有礼貌。

  Horrible bosses are so puffed up with grandiosity that they can't be bothered to control themselves。极品老板被自信冲昏了头脑,他们懒得去控制自己。

  Smart bosses know that corporate bullies eventually get what they deserve--a staff of lickspittles whose lack of talent destroys the company。聪明的老板明白这样的流氓做法会得到报应——那就是公司最终被一群巧言令色而又无真才实学的职员拖垮。







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