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2013年04月21日16:03  新浪教育 微博   我有话说

  It’s annoying enough to write your idol and never get reply. So how would you feel if your admiring letter was ignored and thrown away like a piece of trash?


  That’s exactly what happened to millions of US country-pop singer Taylor Swift’s fans. They must have felt disappointed when they read in the news that hundreds of unopened fan letters had been found in a trash bin in Nashville two weeks ago. The letters had been sent from all over the world, according to WKRN.com, the local news service in Nashville, Tennessee in the US。


  Taylor’s management team was quick to respond, saying that the letters had been thrown out by mistake。


  “Taylor gets thousands of fan letters every day and they are delivered to her management office,” Swift’s spokeswoman Paula Erickson said in a statement. “After the letters are opened and read, they are recycled。”


  Every fan secretly hopes that his or her letter will be personally read and replied to. But dealing with piles of fan mail is a big burden for most celebrities. Many of them, aware that their fans’ support is vital to their careers, hire others to read and reply to fan letters for them。


  Sylvia Taylor has been running a fan-mail-answering service in California since 1987. She told the BBC that she and her six staff members process up to 20,000 items of mail a month on behalf of 26 celebrities. Typically, correspondence is acknowledged by a photo with a printed autograph。


  The relationship between the fan and the celebrity often exists only in the mind of the former, says Lynn Zuberbis, an expert in the psychology of fandom at the UK’s West Chester University. It stems from a deeply-rooted human need for community and belonging。


  “It’s not about the autograph. It’s about the moment of connection,” Zuberbis told the BBC。


  When a celebrity replies to a fan’s letter in person, it can be a powerful experience for the fan. Writing on The Telegraph’s online blog, Nigel Farndale is nostalgic for an era when celebrities took fan letters seriously。


  Bill Wyman, the former bassist of the Rolling Stones, for example, used to write around a dozen letters a day in the 1960s. It passed the time when they were stuck on tour buses or waiting around hotels before a concert。


  Replying to fans is a good long-term investment because it buys their loyalty, Farndale said. He wrote a letter to UK actor Stephen Fry when he was 19. To his surprise, Fry wrote back with a long and witty letter。


  “Whenever I see Stephen Fry being criticized in the press for being pompous, or whatever,” Farndale says: “I always feel protective toward him。”


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