John Kerry, Secretary of State国务卿约翰•克里
August 19, 20132013年8月19日
This is an important day for all of us to pause and join with our colleagues in honoring the committed staff who work to save the lives of others, often at great risk to their own. World Humanitarian Day is a commemoration of their sacrifice and a sober reminder that our work is far from done。这一天是我们大家的一个重要的日子。让我们静默片刻,与同事们一道向经常冒着生命危险兢兢业业拯救他人生命的员工们致敬。世界人道主义日是为了纪念他们作出的牺牲,也是为了提醒我们,我们的工作远未完成。
My family is a foreign service family. We saw what my Dad committed his life to doing in dangerous places and we saw what my mother did to fill in for two parents the times when he was away. I’ve had sisters work at the United Nations and go off to faraway places to help kids in desperate situations. So I know a little on a personal level about the unsung heroes, the humanitarian workers who volunteer to serve on the front lines of some of the world’s most dangerous places. From Algeria to Afghanistan, from Somalia to South Sudan, many have been killed or kidnapped in the line of duty. They show up in places no one else wants to go and they save lives. They literally build safer cities, help children get an education, provide health care in rural communities. The needs are truly global in scale, and so too is our response. Just think about what these incredible people are doing today. For over two years, the brave people of Syria have endured tremendous hardship in one of the largest humanitarian crises in decades. More than 100,000 men, women and children have been killed and 6 million displaced both within and across Syria’s borders. Through these dark days, more than 20 first responders from the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, 11 UN staff and others from our NGO partners have been killed while providing much-needed aid in Syria。我的家庭有外事服务的渊源。我们看到,我父亲在危险的地方贡献了毕生精力。我们看到,当我父亲外出工作时,我母亲独自担当了双亲的责任。我的姐妹们在联合国工作,奔赴远方帮助处于绝望境地的孩子。因此我个人对那些无名英雄,对志愿到全世界一些最危险的地方服务的第一线人道主义工作人员有一些亲身的了解。从阿尔及利亚到阿富汗,从索马里到南苏丹,许多人在执行任务时被杀害或被劫持。他们前往别人不愿意去的地方拯救生命。他们脚踏实地,建设更安全的城市,帮助儿童受教育,为农村社区提供医疗护理。这种需求在规模上的确是全球性的,因此我们的应对也须如此。请想一想那些了不起的人今天在做什么。两年多来,勇敢的叙利亚人民经历了几十年来最大的人道主义危机,承受了巨大的艰难困苦。有10多万男子和妇孺已被杀害,600万人在叙利亚境内外流离失所。在那些黑暗的日子里,20多名叙利亚阿拉伯红新月会的第一线救援人员和11名联合国工作人员以及来自我们非政府组织伙伴的其他人在叙利亚提供亟需的援助时被杀害。
In the Sahel, the United States supports the distribution of food and water to the insecure, vulnerable and displaced as a result of regional drought and the crisis in Northern Mali. In Sudan and South Sudan, we provide healthcare, sanitation and protection to millions uprooted from their homes by violence. And in Colombia, Haiti and Ecuador, aid workers deliver emergency assistance to internally displaced persons and refugees。在撒赫勒,由于地区性的干旱和北马里的危机,美国施以援手,给缺乏安全、身单力薄和流离失所的群体分发食物和水。在苏丹和南苏丹,我们提供医疗护理和卫生设备,并保护因躲避暴力背井离乡的几百万人。在哥伦比亚、海地和厄瓜多尔,救援人员为国内流离失所的人们和难民提供紧急援助。
In a world growing more—not less—interconnected, when our common humanity is threatened, aid workers will be there—this day and every day the world over。在一个相互联系日益紧密——而非缺乏联系——的世界上,每当我们共同的人性遭到威胁时,救援人员就会在身边出现——今天和每一天,全世界无远弗届。