
2015年06月16日14:08  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
黄梅雨天惹人嫌:为何讨厌潮湿这个词(组图) 黄梅雨天惹人嫌:为何讨厌潮湿这个词(组图)
黄梅雨天惹人嫌:为何讨厌潮湿这个词(组图) 黄梅雨天惹人嫌:为何讨厌潮湿这个词(组图)
黄梅雨天惹人嫌:为何讨厌潮湿这个词(组图) 黄梅雨天惹人嫌:为何讨厌潮湿这个词(组图)
黄梅雨天惹人嫌:为何讨厌潮湿这个词(组图) 黄梅雨天惹人嫌:为何讨厌潮湿这个词(组图)
黄梅雨天惹人嫌:为何讨厌潮湿这个词(组图) 黄梅雨天惹人嫌:为何讨厌潮湿这个词(组图)
黄梅雨天惹人嫌:为何讨厌潮湿这个词(组图) 黄梅雨天惹人嫌:为何讨厌潮湿这个词(组图)
黄梅雨天惹人嫌:为何讨厌潮湿这个词(组图) 黄梅雨天惹人嫌:为何讨厌潮湿这个词(组图)

  (来源:沪江英语)又到黄梅雨季(Plum rain season)时,潮湿的室内,连绵的阴雨,闷热,多少人对这个无法舒爽的6月黄梅天恨到心里透不过气。其实外国人也很讨厌“潮湿(moist)”这个词呢,讨厌潮湿的心情中外皆是,但是为什么我们都这么讨厌“潮湿”呢?一起来一探究竟吧!

  黄梅雨季怎么说 闷热的多种表达

  A lot of people don’t like the word “moist。” Several Facebook groups are dedicated to it, one with over 3,000 likes, New Yorker readers overwhelmingly selected it as the word to eliminate from the dictionary, and Jimmy Fallon sarcastically thanked it for being the worst word in the English language. When you ask people why this might be, there is no shortage of armchair theory: that there’s something about the sounds involved, that it puts your face in a position similar to the facial expression of disgust, or that it reminds people of mold or sex。


  Psychologist Paul Thibodeau and his colleagues ran a recent study to sort it out. They gave participants a set of words and asked them to rate how, whether, and to what degree, each word made them uncomfortable。


  Twenty-one percent of the people in the study had an aversion to the unloved word. It turns out that the sounds don’t have much to do with that effect. Similar-sounding words, such as “foist,” did not generate the same reaction。


  So what about the meaning? Well, people found “moist” most aversive when it follows an unrelated, pleasant word, such as “paradise。” There seems to be a contrast effect going on here。“Moist” also didn’t seem so unpleasant when it followed words related to food, such as “cake。”


  Further analysis showed that “moist”-averse people also tend to dislike related words, such as “damp” and “wet,” showing further support for the idea that it’s the meaning, not the sound. “Moist”-averse people also tended to have more general disgust reactions to bodily functions, suggesting that it’s the connotations with bodily functions and sex that sets people off。


文章关键词: 双语黄梅雨天

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