

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 16:35   恩波教育

  4 Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the drawing,

  2. interpret its meaning, and

  3. make your comment.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  该文分为三段。第一段描述图画。第二段分析该现象产生的原因。第三段谈该问题的解决办法。In the picture we see a pair of uneven parallel bars. On the high bar there is a word “admission”, and on the low one there is a word “graduation”. Obviously, the drawer wants to draw our attention to a serious problem in higher education.

  In quite a number of universities and colleges, it is difficult for students to be enlisted—their college entrance examination scores must reach a certain level. But once they become undergraduate students, things totally change in many cases. On the one hand, the authorities have never really established a comprehensive system of quality control. If a student loses interest in study, chances may be that someone will know but no one will care. On the other hand, many teachers have never put the shaping of personality in a place just as important as the teaching of knowledge. When more and more students flood into the classroom, many of them have to abandon the interactive mode and turn back to the traditional mode of cramming. In the end, most students will graduate without too much difficulty as the school does not want to lose face in society.

  To reverse this unfavorable trend, we have to take strong measures to reform the higher educational system. Educational resources permitting, we can even loose the recruitment standard a little bit. What is important is the quality of the “end product”—if we ever want to create more worldfamous universities, we should put emphasis on the development of skills and molding of character ever since the beginning. Only in this way can the university resume its function of cultivating talents and regain the respect that has been nearly lost. 第一段首句与次句描述了图画,第三句将图画中隐含的问题定位为高等教育中的严重问题。



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