

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 16:35   恩波教育

  8 Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the picture;

  2. interpret the meaning of the picture;

  3. make your comment.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  这幅图画主题鲜明,不难确定文章的主题是“乱穿马路”。在思考之后,我们决定分为四段来写。第一段描述图画。第二段说明该现象带来的后果。第三段说明解决该问题的办法。最后一段是结论。The present picture highlights several people who are crossing the street while the red light is on. It is quite obvious that the drawer wants all of us to think about the serious problem of jaywalking in our society.

  The jaywalking phenomenon will bring many unfavorable consequences. First and foremost, it will increase the incidence of traffic accidents and thus cause the loss of lives and property. Moreover, common people are likely to copy the action of just a few people who defy the traffic rules. Finally, if this matter is not properly settled, it will pose a threat to the city traffic as a whole.

  It is high time that we called on the efforts from all sides to deal with this problem properly. For one thing, the government should improve the design of traffic lights so as to make the operation more reasonable. For another, every citizen should behave himself first and help advise others not to jaywalk. Finally, the mass media should also play a positive role in helping people realize the importance of abiding by traffic rules.

  No matter whether this problem is a natural result of social development, it is important that we find a satisfactory solution to it in this social transformation era.第一段有两句话,第一句是对图画的描述,第二句说明了“乱穿马路”的主题,对下文的展开起到了承上启下的作用。




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