

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 16:35   恩波教育

  6 Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the drawing,

  2. interpret its meaning, and

  3. make your comment.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  该文分三段。第一段描述图画并定性说这种做法是极端危险的。第二段从两个方面进行剖析。最后一段表明自己的观点,并提出解决办法。In the picture presented to us, a person is investing all the money in the stock market—he even sells his car and raises a mortgage on his apartment. To me, a bystander, this is an extremely dangerous action.

  Why has he become so crazy? He must be dreaming of making big money one day, but does he know that it has become exceedingly difficult for individual investors to survive in todays stock market? On the one hand, the market is full of institutional investors who are equipped with not only advanced techniques but also latest information. On the other hand, anyone is told that only a small part of people will make money in the market when he enters the market, but when his mind is full of greedy ideas, how can he carry out careful analysis and comprehensive reasoning so as to make sound judgment?

  Personally I do not agree with the above choice at all. My suggestion is that anyone who wants to make money should receive professional training and then practice in the virtual market for at least a year. If a person can not do that, he had better leave this place full of danger and risks, for it will often be too late when he realizes that the cost is unbearable.第一段对图画进行了描述。而后立即对这种做法进行定性,显得相当果断。如果不加这句话,第一段则只有一句,显得有点短了。



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