

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 16:35   恩波教育

  12 Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the picture;

  2. interpret the meaning of the picture;

  3. make your comment.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  该图描述的是一位在等红灯时向道路上倾倒垃圾的人。该文可以分为三段来写:第一段在描述图画后对此种行为定性。第二段写这种做法的危害。第三段说解决问题的办法。In the picture, while waiting for the green light, a driver dumped all the cigarette ends from a can onto the road. This picture reflects the selfishness of a group of city residents. They have formed the habit of keeping personal spaces such as rooms and cars clean, but when they come to public places, they tend to throw garbage or even spit here and there.

  This practice is extremely harmful to the pursuit of happiness of urban dwellers including those people mentioned above. This phenomenon tends to spread and more and more people will not learn to behave themselves unless the first rule violators get punished severely. The city environment is closely related to life quality—when there is garbage here and there, everyone will fall victim and nobody can escape this vicious cycle.

  To solve this serious social problem, the government has to establish laws to punish all those people who pollute the environment. The media should not only teach people how to behave themselves and explain why such behaviors are important to the wellbeing of all members of the society. What is the most important is the interaction between individuals—they should first try to observe the rules and then help others form the good habit. This is certainly not easy, but this is the first step to the dream of a more beautiful city and a happier life. 第一段在描述图画后,写该图反映了一些城市居民的自私。他们将自己的个人空间拾掇得干干净净,而到了公共场所却乱扔垃圾甚至随地吐痰。


  第三段说要解决这个问题,首先政府应制定法律来严惩所有污染环境的人。其次媒体不仅应告诉人们怎么做,也应解释为什么这样做对所有成员的幸福都很重要。而后说最重要的是个人之间的相互影响——人们应该先自己遵守规则,然后去帮助他人养成良好的习惯。最后说这肯定并不容易,但这是通往更美丽的城市和更幸福的生活的第一步。 这道题目中的图画是我亲眼所见,给我触动很深。迎特奥、迎世博,上海越来越美丽,绝大多数人越来越文明,很令人欣慰,可是有些人还是不自觉。在看到身边的事情后,建议大家想想为什么会产生这个问题,而后怎样解决。我的做法是随身携带日记本、笔与微型照相机,当然后者尽量少用,把遇到的事情对你造成的第一次冲击和感觉在第一时间记录下来。请相信这是非常珍贵的。随着积累的增加,你会慢慢地发现模糊的问题变得清晰起来,烦躁的心也渐渐平静下来。能拥有历史的亲历者与审视者的双重身份的人,是相当少的,这是一种幸福。

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