

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 16:35   恩波教育

  30 Study the following table carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the table;

  2. interpret the trend;

  3. make your comments.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  指标名称198919972002每万人口医院床位数 (张)22.8 23.5 23.2 每万人口医生数 (人)15.2 16.1 14.7 人均卫生总费用支出 (元)76.7 186.4 442.5 审题包括两个部分,一个是读图画或图表,一个是看提纲。成功的审题就是将两者有机地结合起来,确定文章的最终布局。这道题还是属于图表题中的表格题,比较特殊。表格中共有三个变量,应该看出来有一个变量,即人均卫生总费用支出是大幅增长的,而另两个变量,即每万人口医院床位数和每万人口医生数,是基本未变的。第一段的工作就是描述这两个趋势。第二段中阐释这一趋势,就是要重点突出这一对比。第三段做出评论,对于一种不能令人满意的现状甚至令人担忧的社会问题,大多数时候最好的选择就是写改进或解决问题的办法了。From the table we can see clearly that total medical expenses per capita rose from 76.5 yuan in 1989 to 186.4 yuan in 1997 and then to 442.5 yuan in 2002. In the same period, the number of hospital beds every 10,000 people and the number of doctors every 10,000 people stayed at almost the same level.

  This table illustrates clearly the discrepancy between the soaring medical expenses and the unsatisfactory hospital facilities. On the one hand, the money spent on medical care has climbed sharply in the past decade. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the medical expense has soared to 7.3 percent of the total expenses of urban residents, and 6.0 of that of rural residents in 2003. On the other hand, the limited scale of hospitals cannot meet the needs of our people. It is true that we have more advanced medical instruments, but the numbers of beds and doctors have changed little over the last decade. We all know that timely medical operation is extremely important in many cases, but how can we ensure it without finding a bed first?

  To improve the present situation we have a long way to go. In the first place, we have to standardize medical practices, regulate the drug circulation and perfect the medical care system to bring down the medical expenses. In the second place, we should build more firstclass hospitals, expand the scale of present hospitals and turn out more medical talents. If all of these can be accomplished our people will surely receive better medical care and live a happier life. 本文共分三段。第一段两句话,第一句话以常见的句型From the table we can see clearly that开始,描写了人均卫生总费用支出逐年攀升的事实。而第二句以In the same period强势开头,描述了其它两个变量基本不变(stay at almost the same level)的情形,概括性很强。


  第三段写改进的办法。首句是总括句,说我们任重道远,而后分两方面来说。第一方面说采取措施(规范医疗操作、调控药品流通和优化医疗保健体系)来降低医疗费用。第二方面说通过建立更多的一流医院、扩充现有医院的规模和培养更多的医学人才来解决当前的矛盾。最后一句是结语——如果所有这些都能实现,人们一定能接受更好的医疗保健,过上更幸福的生活。 要想写好一篇文章,首先是审题——对图表(图画)和提纲所构成的语境的把握一定要准确。其次是具体到段落,在遣词造句上一定要考究,要多下功夫。平时多积累,多写作是很重要的,因为能够成为考题的潜在主题不超过两百个,很多词、词组与句型出现的几率更要高得多,所以平时的积累和操练至关重要。

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