

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 16:35   恩波教育

  26 Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the drawing,

  2. interpret its meaning, and

  3. make your comment.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  该文可分四段来写。第一段描述图画。第二段分析该现象产生的原因。第三段谈严重的后果。最后一段是结论段。In the picture, a student is talking to his classmates: “I will certainly choose Mr. Lis optional course, for everyone could pass the examination.”

  I feel extremely disappointed whenever I hear such remarks on campus. The diploma has been regarded as the guarantee for a secure future, and to get the diploma students have to pass all the examinations. Instead of acquiring knowledge and developing skills, many students concentrate on various techniques to pass various examinations.

  Such a belief will bring many harmful consequences. First of all, when they make every effort to pass examinations, they will be most likely to memorize certain answers and even go directly to teachers for a certain scope covering examination items. In this way they deprive themselves of the right to think, to explore and to find. Second, some teachers are too lenient with students—they may want to leave a good impression or they just lack patience. In the long run, the teaching quality will deteriorate as nobody is exercising quality control. Lastly, cheating will be on the rise as long as we judge students solely by examination marks. If a test is full of multiplechoice questions, it is more likely for a student to peer at another test paper. But if the teacher takes pains to design more creative openended questions, fewer students will make the wrong choice.

  This phenomenon has been worrying me for a long time. The aim of college education, in my belief, is to cultivate skills and inspire creativity. The best way is that a teacher demonstrates the beauty of his course and the great happiness of exploring in his field. Only if the students are inspired will it become possible for them to understand the importance of confidence and integrity.第一段将图中人物的话译出。第二段的首句谈了自己的感受。而后阐述了为什么学生会说出上面的话——为了毕业文凭,学生对如何通过考试非常重视。



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