

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 16:35   恩波教育

  32 Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the picture;

  2. interpret the meaning of the picture;

  3. draw your conclusion.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  井干方知水可贵该图画以简洁的笔触说明了深刻的道理,这类文章考察的可能性是相当大的。The picture focuses on a person standing by a well. Looking at the empty barrel at hand, he sighs, “My God, there is no water at all. I should not have wasted it.”

  We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. Similarly, we never realize the worth of the best things in life until they are lost. When we are young, some of us bear a destination in mind and try to reach it at all costs. In the due process, we either lose health or our friends—even if we reach that destination at last, will we be happy? Others always think God is not fair to them—they are so frustrated that they can not accumulate the courage to change their lives for the better. When youth becomes history, their world will be even colder and more hopeless.

  Many of the best things in the world are just in our own hands. It is certainly not easy to realize this point, and even more difficult to cherish them to the uttermost. If we realize the value of youth, health and friends, we will be among the happiest persons of the world. 这篇文章的布局相当简单,共分三段。第一段描述图画。第二段阐释含义,也就是说明其中蕴涵的深刻道理。第三段下结论。

  第一段非常简洁。第二段共有六句话,第一句话一针见血,非常关键。第二句是类推,颇具哲理。第三句和第四句说我们在向着目标奋进的过程中常常失去了宝贵的东西,如健康、朋友。第五句话说有些人慨叹命运的不公。第六句话说当青春失去时,世界将变得冰冷无望。第三段是结语,共分三句话。首先说世上许多最好的东西实际上就在我们手中;然后说理解到这点是不容易的,而做到就更不容易了;最后说如果我们意识到了青春、健康和朋友的价值,我们就是最幸福的人了。 看到这副图画,关键是建立表面的含义和隐藏深刻的含义之间的联系。“井干方知水可贵”可推衍至人生中可贵的东西,如青春、健康和友情等。如果平时多思考、多写作,考试时即使遇到不同的题目,也能快速反应,找到正确的应对方法。


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