

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 16:35   恩波教育

  27 Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the picture;

  2. interpret the meaning;

  3. make your comments.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  这道题目比较特殊——图画上没有对话,只有一个忘情弹奏的人,下面有一句极富哲理的话。而提纲中的第二点和第三点分别是阐释含义和作出评论,而不是具体的指令,这样写来难度更大,自由度也更大。As can be seen from the picture, a person is playing the piano—he is so much immersed in the beautiful music that he seems to forget completely what is going on around him. The Chinese characters below the picture say: Writing is like playing the piano—first you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart. What significant and thoughtprovoking words they are!

  To me, writing is a lifelong endeavor: It is often hard and frustrating at the beginning, but it often becomes enjoyable and fruitful as time goes by. First, you have to learn the fundamental knowledge and acquire the simple skills, just as you must know the keys on a piano before you can really produce a whole piece of music. Afterwards, I believe there should a prolonged period of practice, largely characterized by recitation, analysis and imitation. This is the period when we fully understand and deeply appreciate the beauty and excellence of masterpieces. This is also the period when we apply the particular skills of manipulating words, fabricating sentences and creating paragraphs by imitating great writers directly. Finally, when all of this is done, one day we will suddenly forget all those rules and regulations—like a bird flying freely in the sky, we begin to take on our own styles. We can eventually express our ideas, feelings and emotions smoothly—like beautiful notes, words spring out from our hearts one after another, until they merge into a stream or even a river. At that time, we can be sure to say that we begin to understand what writing is. 这篇文章写成了两段而不是三段,是非常特殊的。如果提纲中的第二点和第三点分别是给出原因和解决办法,就不能这么写。




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