

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 16:35   恩波教育

  25 Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the picture;

  2. point out the reasons for the phenomenon;

  3. suggest possible ways to solve the problem.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  该文谈的是一个社会热点——贫困大学生的问题。结构非常清晰,可分为三段。第一段描述图画,第二段谈该现象产生的原因,第三段谈解决问题的办法。The picture highlights a student with an admission notice in hand but not happy at all. He murmurs: “How can I pay the tuition?”

  This student is a typical example of the poor students who can not afford to go to university. To begin with, poverty first results from the discrepancy between developed areas and underdeveloped ones. In a particular region, economic conditions are closely related with various elements including occupation, family background, expertise and seniority. Moreover, the higher education expense, including tuition and various fees, is constantly on the rise.

  We are happy to see that the unfavorable situation is alleviated to some extent by donation activities held by societies or the mass media, but we believe that the best way to solve the problem is to establish a longterm national welfare system in which donated money are put together and scientifically allocated afterwards. Another suggestion is that the university should set up more scholarships to motivate students to work harder for more academic achievements. Last but not the least, financial institutions such as national and local banks should again lower the entrance standards of issuing the loan to poor students.

  Everyone is entitled to education and education is the best way to personal success and national revitalization. In the efforts to help more and more poor college students to complete schooling and realize dreams, we have every reason to wait for them to reward the society with knowledge, skills and a heart full of gratitude. 第二段首句是总括——点出了贫困大学生这一现象。之后分两点来说。第二句和第三句是第一点,第二句说贫困源于不同地区之间的差距,第三句是补充说明。第四句是第二点,说的是学费和各种杂费一直在上涨。


  第四段是总结。第一句话说每个人都有受教育的权利,而教育是通向个人成功和民族复兴的最佳道路。该句中有平行的名词词组的用法,由个体到群体,值得回味。第二句说,帮助贫困大学生完成学业、成就梦想后,我们有理由期待他们以知识、技能与感恩的心来回报社会。该句中有两处平行结构,均使用了先具体、后抽象的高级写法,是句中的闪光点。 社会热点问题大家都很熟悉,但是不一定写过或思考过。复习的目的就是加强由复习过的问题推衍到没有复习过的问题的能力,复习就是建立快速反应机制的过程。大家在冲刺阶段,应进行相同时段的模拟测试(英语是下午考,所以最后的模拟测试可放在下午),来考察自己的现场应变能力。多数时候没有这种条件,大家可以抽一个题目,想想怎么应对——该文应先确定大的结构即分段,而后想想第二段和第三段各分为几点来写,然后想想怎么结尾——在开头灵活度小的情况下,结尾就显得尤为重要了。该文的结尾段是一类典型的写法:该段只有两句话,第一句话写一个大的背景,第二句前半句呼应第三段,后半句说解决问题后的结果,请大家用心体会。

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