Unprotected sleep is going back to sleep after turning off your alarm clock, risking not waking up for a job, class, or other daily task。
英文中回笼觉是unprotected sleep,字面上理解是无保护的睡眠,指的是冒着耽误工作、上课或办事的风险关掉闹钟继续睡觉。
It is necessary for someone to have an unprotected sleep after staying up late or working late. It might also be delightful to have an unprotected sleep in weekends or holidays. However, unprotected sleep can be harmful to one’s health as it may disturb your biological clock, resulting in your short memory and blunt responsiveness。
After twenty minutes of unprotected sleep I missed the bus and had to walk to school。
文章关键词: 趣味