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5.2 典型签证准备范例(2)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/21 14:31  新浪教育

  Right time?

  I join the research group two years ago. Two years preparation is enough for PhD for a prepared girl.

  11)Have you any scholarship?

  Yes. As you can see from my I20 and offer letter, I got full financial aid including a tuition waiver and monthly stipend of 1,700 us dollars.

  What kind of works you will do for this assistantship? What's your duty as a TA/RA?

  The department offered me a RA position. My duty will be assigned after my arrival.

  12)Your assistantship is for one year, then how about the following years?

  I believe history will repeat itself. I never missed any scholarship during my undergraduate years.

  And I have got my hard work's pays off as an undergraduate student. Here is the research award from the Department of Education in Hubei Province.

  13)Why do you receive financial aid from this Univ.?

  They awarded me this scholarship because of our matching perfectly and my strong academic background.

  14)To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? Any other school admits you?

  8. And half gave me admission, 2 gave me full financial aid and 1 is pending.

  I applied to 8 universities in U.S. they are Univ. of Michigan, Berkeley, OSU, Univ of Georgia, Univ. of Maine, Princeton, USC and Univ. of Colorado Boulder.

  4 gave me admission: Univ. of Michigan, OSU, Georgia, Maine.

  2 gave me full financial aid: Univ. of Michigan, Univ. of Maine

  15)What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study? What does your major mean? Can you give

  an example of your topic that is applied in our living?

  My major is Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology. It is the observational, theoretical studies and numerical modeling of the state and behavior of the Earth's Atmosphere and climate. Atmospheric models from regional to global scale.

  My research will focus on hydrometeorology. It is the branch of meteorology that deals with the measuring and modeling the atmospheric water, the occurrence, motion, and changes of state of the atmospheric water.

  15-1) What was your former major? In what aspect of your major will you study? What does your major mean? Can you give an example of your topic that is applied in our living?

  Geomatics Engineering.

  "Geo" comes from geography and "matics" comes from mathematics, the mathematics of the earth. It is the science, technology and art of analysis, modeling, interpretation and management of geographic data, such as hydrology and topology data. (Especially instrumental data, relating to the earth's surface.)These data come from air, sea-borne (satellite) sensors and ground-based instruments.

  It has applications in all disciplines which depend on geographic data, including environmental studies, planning, engineering, navigation, geology and geophysics, land development and land ownership.

  16)Why do you like your major? Why your specialty is important to China?

  I love the planet we live and I have a strong passion for earth science. Because it is promising in China. My solid background assures me excellent in this area. It is both academically complex and widely used. I love the problem-driven research since my teens. I like to spend a lot of time to handle the problem.

  17)Why do you change your major? What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?

  It doesn't change. They stress different parts of one discipline, hydrology of the land and hydrometeorology in the air. They are a whole system.

  The study of the hydrometeorology will make us aware of the cause and reason So that we can take precaution ahead of severe weather and disaster.

  18)What is your academic background?(What institution did you attend and what's your major?)

  What is your dissertation about? What is your specific research of your undergraduate paper?

  I got my B.Engn. in Wuhan University with honor. Since September 1998 to June 2002 .

  19) When/where did you get your BS?

  I got my bachelor's degree with honor last June in Wuhan University at Geomatics Engineering department.

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