
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 19:10   北文图书



  Do you have anything more to say?你还有什么话要说吗?

  I want to get something to read.我要找些资料看。

  There is nothing to be worried about.没有什么事值得发愁。

  We need someone to take care of the children.我们需要人看孩子。


  It’s time to go to bed.是睡觉的时候了。

  You have no right to do that.你没有权利这样做。

  That’s the best way to do the work.这是做这工作最好的办法。

  I’d like to have a chance to see him again.我希望有机会再见到他。


  I went to town to buy some books.我进城去买书。

  I’ve come to learn from you.我是来向你们学习的。

  What have I said to make you so angry?我说了什么话使你这样生气?

  She lived to be ninety.她活到了九十岁。

  I’m glad to see you.看到你我很高兴。

  We are proud to be students of China.作为中国的学生我们感到自豪。


  She is always ready to help others.她总是乐于帮助别人。

  We were eager to go home.我们亟于想回家。

  Be careful not to catch cold.当心别感冒。

  The book is easy to understand.这书容易懂。

  She was too young to understand that.她太年轻不懂这一点。


  1. 在作定语的不定式(短语)下划线:

  1) I have a lot of things to do today.

  2) There are two letters to be typed.

  3) Let’s go and get something to drink.

  4) There’s no need to worry at all.

  5) We have a right to know.

  6) I had nothing to do that night.

  7) She didn’t have the courage to tell you that.

  8) That’s probably the only thing to do now.

  9) There is no need to worry.

  10) He is not a man to bow before difficulties.

  2. 在作状语的不定式(短语)下划线:

  1) They ran over to welcome us.

  2) I’m sorry to hear that.

  3) They are eager to take part in the job.

  4) The girls are easy to get along with.

  5) You are right to say so.

  6) She was glad to see us.

  7) Never too old to learn.

  8) It was too late to do anything now.

  9) She was unwilling to take the job.

  10) To be frank, I don’t like the idea.

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