
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 19:10   北文图书



  Have you finished cleaning the windows?窗子擦好了吗?

  Would you mind shutting the door?劳驾把门关上行吗?

  I enjoyed working there.我在那里工作很高兴。

  Our house needs painting.我们的房子需要油漆。

  能跟这种宾语的动词很多,常见的有:stop, suggest, remember, begin, like, start, mind, continue, can’t help等。


  Do you like playing chess?你喜欢下棋吗?

  to play

  They began talking about something else.他们开始谈别的事。

  to talk


  I remember seeing you somewhere.记得在哪里见到过你。

  Remember to post the letter.记得把信发掉。


  Are you interested in going with us?你有兴趣和我们一块儿去吗?

  He is fond of playing tennis.他很喜欢打


  I’m thinking of going to Hangchow.我在考虑到杭州去一趟。

  Thank you for coming.谢谢你来。


  After playing chess, we watched TV.下过棋之后我们看电视。

  Give me a phone call before leaving home.离家前给我打个电话。

  I’m all for going by bus.我完全赞成坐公共汽车去。


  1. 在下面句子中作宾语的动名词(短语)下划线:

  1) He enjoys teaching.

  2) She kept talking.

  3) She disliked my working late.

  4) Forgive my ringing up so early.

  5) I remember telling her about you.

  6) She liked reading short stories.

  7) Then we stopped talking.

  8) Would you mind telling her about it?

  9) He admitted taking the money.

  10) They began talking about their school days.

  2. 在下面用作介词宾语的动名词下划线:

  1) I don’t feel like eating anything now.

  2) I’ve got used to working at night.

  3) I’m proud of having a friend like you.

  4) She was keen on coming to Chine.

  5) I never dreamed of meeting you in China.

  6) My sister is fond of reading picture books.

  3. 在下面句子中的介词短语下划线:

  1) We can’t live without eating.

  2) They were surprised at your doing that.

  3) Since returning from Xi’an, I was awfully busy.

  4) She left without saying good-bye to us.

  5) What have you been doing besides writing the book?

  6) He was praised for working so hard.

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