
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 19:10   北文图书



  It is raining hard.雨下得很大。(现在进行时)

  He was writing a letter.他在写信。(过去进行时)

  What have you been doing?你在干什么?(现在完成进行时)



  The story is very interesting.这故事很有趣。

  The day was so charming.天气十分怡人。


  China is a developing country.中国是一个发展中国家。

  The house is a charming museum now.这房子现在是一座迷人的博物馆。


  He is busy answering letters.他在忙着给人回信。

  Let’s go fishing.咱们钓鱼去吧。


  We saw a girl running towards us.我们看见一个女孩向我们跑来。

  I heard someone knocking at the door.我听见有人敲门。


  The water was quite refreshing.水使人清新。

  One of the boys is missing.有一个男孩不见了。

  “That’s amazing,” Jack said.“这太使人吃惊了,”杰克说。

  The film was very amusing.这部电影很有趣。

  能这样用的分词很多,如amusing, charming, discouraging, exciting, interesting, inviting, missing, amazing, shocking, surprising等。


  1. 在下面句子中的分词或分词短语下划线,并说出它们在句中的作用:

  1) Do you see the man walking down the street? ( )

  2) I see him passing my house every day. ( )

  3) I went shopping this morning. ( )

  4) A boy came running out of the house. ( )

  5) He found the boys stealing his apples. ( )

  6) He fired, wounding one of the wolves. ( )

  7) The teacher told us an amusing story. ( )

  8) Who knows the missing word in this sentence? ( )

  9) We saw some peasants working in the fields. ( )

  10) I don’t like to see singing birds in cages. ( )

  11) We went boating on the lake. ( )

  12) He said he had seen a flying saucer. ( )

  2. 在下面句子中作表语的分词下划线:

  1) The weather was charming.

  2) The story was quite amusing.

  3) Skiing is more exciting than skating.

  4) Her photograph was missing.

  5) Such views are shocking to me.

  6) The matter is pressing.

  7) The old man’s views are shocking.

  8) These reports are confusing.

  9) What he said was rather disappointing.

  10) Some of the letters are exciting.

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