
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 19:10   北文图书



  I saw Tom waving to me.我看见汤姆向我挥手。

  He heard someone knocking at the door.他听见有人敲门。

  I am sorry to keep you waiting.对不起让你久等了。

  We found a tree lying across the road.我们发现一棵树拦在马路中间。

  这些都可作为句型来记,如hear somebody doing something, see somebody doing something,还有keep, notice, find, leave等动词可跟这样的宾语。

  2.在see, hear, notice这类动词后,有时可跟两种复合结构,一种由现在分词构成,一种由不带to的不定式构成:

  We saw a man standing there.我们看见一个男子站在那里。

  We saw a man leave the house.我们看见一个男子离开了那座房子。


  I often heard her singing this song.我常听见她唱这首歌。



  He was often seen working in the fields.人们常常看见他在地里干活。

  She was once heard singing this song.有一次人们听见她唱这支歌。


  She listened to him playing the piano.她听他弹钢琴。

  He looked at the children playing under the tree.他看孩子们在树下玩耍。


  1. 在下面句子中的复合宾语下划线:

  1) I watched the children dancing in the garden.

  2) She heard some people talking in the next room.

  3) He felt the house shaking.

  4) Do you smell something burning?

  5) I am sorry to keep you waiting.

  6) His question set us all thinking.

  7) I noticed someone standing at the door.

  8) My uncle caught the children stealing his apples.

  9) I’ll have you all speaking English well within a year.

  10) He found them playing basketball.

  11) I have been kept waiting for two hours.

  12) Voices were heard calling for help.

  2. 在介词后的复合宾语下划线:

  1) Just look at the rain pouring down!

  2) We listened to the band playing in the park.

  3) She wanted to leave the house without anyone seeing her.

  4) I should thank you instead of you thanking me.

  5) This story is about a girl sailing across the Atlantic alone.

  6) With so many people supporting us, we are sure to succeed.

  7) I couldn’t leave the house without anyone seeing me.

  8) He was like an old tree blossoming again.

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