
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 19:10   北文图书



  a. When shall we have the written test?我们什么时候考笔试?

  I’ll have fried eggs.我要煎鸡蛋。

  Do you like smoked fish?你喜欢熏鱼吗?

  b. Is there anything planned for tonight?今晚有什么计划的活动吗?

  What’s the language spoken there?那里讲什么语言?

  A girl dressed in blue came into the room.一个穿蓝色衣服的姑娘走了进来。


  We still have some bread left.我们还剩一些面包。


  a well-known musician著名的音乐家

  heartfelt thanks由衷的感激


  a. Built in 1192, the bridge is over 800 years old.这座桥是1192年修的,已有800多年的历史了。

  Depressed, she went to see her mother.她情绪低落,跑去找她母亲。

  b. Born into a peasant family, he had only two years of schooling.由于出生农民家庭,他只上了两年的学。

  c. Seen from the hill (=when it is seen…), the town looks magnificent.从山上看,这座城市非常美。

  d. Compared with you, we still have a long way to go.和你们相比,我们还有很大差距。


  1. 在下面句子作定语的过去分词或过去分词短语下划线:

  1) This is an unexpected development.

  2) It is also called “The Unfinished Symphony”.

  3) Whose are the reserved seats?

  4) England and Scotland united to become the United Kingdom.

  5) The play put on by the students was a great success.

  6) The experience gained will be of great value to us.

  7) Her father is a retired professor.

  8) The company was run by some returned students.

  9) We held a party to welcome the newly married couple.

  10) What do you think of the plan put forward by Professor Johnson?

  2. 在下面句子作状语的过去分词或过去分词短语下划线:

  1) Guided by these principles, he worked for ten years.

  2) He returned to Shanghai, disguised as a merchant.

  3) “You’re right!” she said, pleased.

  4) Mr. Cooper, deeply moved, thanked them again and again.

  5) She went home exhausted.

  6) Greatly interested, they asked her to sing another song.

  7) Compared to her sister, she was indeed very fortunate.

  8) Depressed, she went home.

  9) Urged on by hunger, he stole a loaf of bread.

  10) Delighted with her work, they made her the general manager.

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