
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 19:15   北文图书



  I must say goodbye now.我得告辞了。

  She has changed her mind.她改变了主意。

  You’ve done a good job.你干得很好。

  What did he say?他说什么了?


  Don’t catch cold.别感冒了。

  Make haste, or we will be late.赶快,否则我们就晚了。

  The action of the film takes place in Italy.电影情节发生在


  He often played truant.他常常逃学。


  Don’t deceive yourself.不要骗你自己。

  Did you enjoy yourselves?你们玩得好吗?

  He hurt himself when he fell over.他摔倒时受了伤。

  Let me introduce myself.让我介绍一下自己。


  He dreamed a sweet dream.他做了一个美梦。

  He lived a long life and died a natural death.他活得很长,最后寿终正寝。

  She smiled a warm and friendly smile.她温存、友好地笑了笑。

  She closed her eyes and wished a wish.她闭上眼睛许了一个愿。


  1. 在下面句子中的宾语下划线:

  1) Close the door, please.

  2) Madame Curie discovered two new elements.

  3) She studied history there for three years.

  4) She married a young man Tony.

  5) They have two children.

  6) He hasn’t got a car.

  7) I like reading, writing and music.

  8) I also speak a little English.

  2. 在作谓语的习惯用语下划线:

  1) Don’t catch cold.

  2) You take the lead and we’ll follow suit.

  3) We set the table for ten people.

  4) He made friends with some Indians.

  5) Make haste, as we’ll be late.

  6) We’ll make room for them.

  7) The dress rehearsal took place in the auditorium.

  8) The children took part in the celebration.

  3. 在动词+自身代词的结构下划线:

  1) Help yourself to more meat.

  2) They seated themselves round the table.

  3) The child cried himself to sleep.

  4) Take good care of yourself.

  5) I must excuse myself from coming to the party.

  6) Don’t overwork yourself.

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