
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 19:15   北文图书



  His aim was to attack Persia and punish the king.他的目的是攻打波斯惩罚波斯王。

  Our job is to supply raw materials.我们的任务是提供原料。

  Their strategy is to win the war with air power.他们的战略是靠空军致胜。

  My advice to you is to speak the truth.我对你的忠告是说真话。

  But worse was to follow.但更坏的情况还在后头。


  Some books are to be read for pleasure.有些书是看着玩的。

  Surely she was to be trusted.肯定她是值得信任的。

  These pills are to be taken three times a day after meals.这些片药每天吃三次,饭后吃。


  Her hobby is collecting stamps.她的爱好是集邮。

  One of my weaknesses is smoking too much.我的缺点之一是烟抽得太多。

  Our problem is not having sufficient raw material.我们的问题是原料不足。

  One of my duties is typing letters.我的一个任务是打信。


  To see is to believe. (Seeing is believing.)眼见为实。

  To do that is to ruin yourself.这样做是毁掉你自己。

  Doing that would be playing with fire.这样做无异玩火。

  Buying such a white elephant is simply wasting money.买这样大而无用的东西完全是浪费金钱。


  1. 在下面句子中的表语下划线:

  1) Nobody is to blame for it.(这不怪任何人。)

  2) My idea is to go there right away.(我的想法是马上就去。)

  3) His goal is to be a doctor.(他的目标是当大夫。)

  4) Her ambition was to be a cinemactress.(她的志愿是当电影演员。)

  5) Their plan was to travel from Lyon to Paris.(他们的计划是从里昂到巴黎。)

  6) Father’s hope was to retire to Cornwall.(父亲的愿望是退休到康沃尔。)

  7) These rooms are to let.(这些房间出租。)

  8) The purpose of the meeting is to elect a new captain.(开会的目的是选一位新队长。)

  9) The thing is to get ahead.(问题是要取得进展。)

  2. 在下面句子中的动名词下划线:

  1) My hobby is collecting antiques.(我的爱好是收集古董。)

  2) To keep money you have found is stealing.(捡到的钱自己用就是偷窃。)

  3) Your job is looking after the baby.(你的任务是照顾宝宝。)

  4) His favourite sport is climbing mountains.(他最喜欢的运动是登山。)

  5) Her major interest is painting.(她主要的兴趣是画画。)

  6) Reading is learning, but applying is also learning.(看书是学习,应用也是学习。)

  7) What’s troubling us is our not having enough manpower.(使我们烦恼的是人力不足。)

  8) The real problem is getting to know the needs of the customers.(真正的问题是了解顾客的需要。)

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