
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 19:15   北文图书



  When will you be back?你什么时候回来?

  She had been away for a long trip.她出远门去了。

  I’ll see if she is around.我去看她在不在附近。

  I’ve been out for a walk.我出去散步去了。


  I feel down today.我今天情绪很低。

  I don’t feel quite up to the journey.我感到不能做这次旅行。

  He looks awfully down.他看来情绪很低沉。


  Lots of people are out of work.很多人失业。

  Paris is among the largest cities in Europe.巴黎是欧洲最大城市之一。

  She is beside herself with joy.她高兴得要命。

  He is off smoking now.他戒烟了。


  He looked in splendid health.他看来身体很好。

  It has grown out of date.这已过时了。

  We have run out of coal.我们的煤用光了。


  He is in charge of this work.他负责这项工作。

  We are in favour of reform.我们赞成改革。

  Soon he fell in love with her.不久他就爱上了她。

  We’ll try and get in touch with them.我们将设法和他们取得联系。


  1. 在下面句子的表语下划线:

  1) Is Mrs. Black in?

  2) I must be off now.

  3) We’ll be down in a little while.

  4) The television is still on.

  5) When will you be through with your work?

  6) Mother was up all night with my sick sister.

  7) The sun was out and the day was bright.

  8) The moon is down.

  9) The price of fish was up.

  10) Time is up.

  2. 在下面句子的表语下划线:

  1) The post office is just across the road.

  2) The darkest hour is before the dawn.(谚语)

  3) The work is beyond my power.

  4) The railway workers are on strike.

  5) His actions are not in keeping with his promise.

  6) She’s been through a lot (of hardships).

  7) My sister-in-law is with child again.

  8) She was for supporting the project.

  9) The task is not within my power.

  10) The Indians in America still remain in poverty.

  11) I was on the point of phoning you.

  12) Be on the watch for thieves.

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