
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 19:15   北文图书



  主语 双宾动词 间接宾语 直接宾语

  1) She gave me a book.她给了我一本书。

  Bill offered her a candy.比尔给了她一块糖。

  He left them some money.他给他们留下一些钱。

  The bank loaned us £5,000.银行贷给我们五千英镑。

  2) He ordered me a TV-set.他给我定购了一台电视机。

  I’ll buy you some clothes.我要给你买一些衣裳。

  I’ll cut you a piece of cake.我要给你切一片


  Sing us a song.给我们唱一支歌。

  3) She kissed her good-bye.她吻别了她的儿子。

  I’ve come to keep you company.我来给你做伴。

  They fined him $25.他们罚了他25美元。


  She gave a book to me.

  Bill offered a candy to her.


  Sing a song for us.

  I’ll buy some clothes for you.



  a. She tells me that you’re unwell.她告诉我你身体不适。

  b. Show me where your leg hurts.告诉我你的腿哪儿疼。


  1. 把下面句子中的间接宾语改为介词短语:


  1) He passed her the bread.

  2) Please bring me a cup of tea.

  3) They awarded John the first prize.

  4) How much (money) do I owe you?

  5) Will you please send me the dictionary?

  6) They loaned me $100.


  1) She cooked us a quick meal.

  2) Let’s get the children something to drink.

  3) That will save us a lot of trouble.

  4) Choose me a good dish.

  5) I’ll buy my daughter some toys.

  6) She played us some music by Mozart.

  2. 在下面句子中的宾语从句下划线:

  1) He wrote me that they were all fine.

  2) May I remind you that the plane is taking off in five minutes?

  3) You’ve got to promise me that you won’t do that again.

  4) He tells me that you’ve been unwell.

  5) Write us how you got home.

  6) She notified us that she was coming to China this summer.

  7) I asked her whether she could join us.

  8) Tell me what you’ve been doing.

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