
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 19:15   北文图书



  They proved that the world was round.他们证明地球是圆的。

  I hope that I have said nothing wrong.希望我没说错什么话。

  She never doubted that she was right.她从不怀疑她是对的。


  I know you can do it.我知道你能做这事。

  He said there’s been an accident.他说出事了。

  I guess we’ll leave now.我想我们得走了。

  She felt she had little energy left.她感到一点力气都没有了。

  I heard you were here.我听说你在这儿。


  She insisted that I (should) be there.她坚持要我出席。

  The situation requires that we (should) be there.形势要求我们呆在那里。

  They urged that he see her.他们敦促他去见她。


  Do you see now why I did it?你现在明白我为什么这样做了?

  I don’t care what they say.我不在乎他们怎么说。

  I’ll see whether I can find time to do it.我要看我是否有时间做这件事。

  Try and find out if she is interested in going.设法了解她是否有兴趣去。


  1. 在下面句子中的宾语从句下划线:

  1) I heard that they were coming to China.

  2) I learn that her father is in business in Boston.

  3) We have to admit that he is a good teacher.

  4) I know you can do it.

  5) He says you can go too.

  6) I think you are right.

  7) We heard you were here.

  8) I hope you are not disappointed.

  9) He proposed that we leave right away.

  10) She asked that the letter be sent out that morning.

  2. 在下面的句子中的宾语从句下划线:

  1) I know who did it.

  2) I’ll find out where they live.

  3) She asked me what time it was.

  4) That shows how little you know.

  5) I don’t remember how old she is.

  6) We don’t know whether you like these flowers.

  7) I’ll see if he wants anything.

  8) Please repeat what you have just said.

  9) I can’t tell who did it.

  10) She could do whatever she liked.

  11) He never said where he was working.

  12) Buy whichever is cheapest.

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