
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 19:15   北文图书



  He decided to move to Chicago.他决定搬到芝加哥去。

  They demanded to see my passport.他们要求看我的护照。

  We tried to kill two birds with on stone.我们设法一箭双雕。

  She liked to dance.她喜欢跳舞。



  I didn’t know how to answer.我不知道该如何回答。

  He forgot what to say.他忘了该说什么。

  She has learnt how to be patient.她学会了怎样有耐心。

  They wondered where to apply for jobs.他们想知道在哪里好找工作。


  She avoided answering our questions.她避免回答我们的问题。

  Would you mind waiting a moment?请稍等片刻。

  He kept looking at her.他不断瞧她。

  It has stopped raining.雨已经停了。


  What do you propose doing next?下一步你打算怎样做?

  to do

  It started raining. 开始下起雨来了。

  to rain.



  1. 在下面句子中的不定式下划线:

  1) She didn’t care to go with them.

  2) They consented to help us.

  3) I could not afford to buy a car.

  4) We managed to overcome the difficulties.

  5) She professed to stay behind.

  6) The enemy refused to surrender.

  7) Don’t bother to answer the letter.

  8) She must learn to look after herself.

  9) We must remember how to do this.

  10) I was wondering where to stay that night.

  2. 在下面的动名词下划线:

  1) I couldn’t help envying her.

  2) So we delayed opening the school.

  3) He suggested doing it a different way.

  4) She considered changing her job.

  5) We all enjoyed reading the book.

  6) He denied taking the money.

  7) I don’t remember seeing you anywhere.

  8) They love traveling.

  9) Have you finished writing the story?

  10) She continued watching the dancers.

  11) I’ll never forget her singing in that opera.

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