
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 19:15   北文图书



  She’s been ill for a week.她病了一星期。

  I felt a bit dizzy.我头有点晕。

  Roses smell sweet.玫瑰有香味。

  Soon it got dark.不一会儿天黑了。

  The child soon fell asleep.孩子一会儿睡着了。

  Evening came, it grew dark.快到傍晚,天渐渐黑了。

  The soup tastes good.汤味很好。

  He turned pale at the thought.想到这儿他脸色变得苍白。


  The tea smells inviting.那茶清香扑鼻。

  Many of her ideas were amusing to me.她有许多想法我感到有趣。

  The rose apples looked so tempting.玫瑰色的


  It was frightening.它的样子很可怕。

  Please remain seated.请不要站起来。

  Mother looked surprised.妈妈显得很吃惊。

  Paul seemed rather worried.保罗似乎很忧虑。


  That poor girl was my cousin.那个可怜的姑娘是我表姐。

  It proved a great success.结果很成功。

  That poor man was me.那个可怜的人就是我。

  She was all tears.她泪流满面。

  At the moment he was all energy.这时他浑身是劲。

  They are the same size.它们同样大小。


  1. 在下面句子的表语下划线:

  1) She looked rather nervous.

  2) He seemed a little tired.

  3) It sounded a good idea.

  4) She appeared all right when I left.

  5) Her dream has come true.

  6) His advice proved sound.

  7) She seemed embarrassed.

  8) We are worried about you.

  9) I grew excited and a little frightened.

  10) His tone was not very encouraging.

  2. 在下面句子的表语下划线:

  1) That is becoming a serious problem.

  2) He looks a nice reliable young man.

  3) She isn’t feeling quite herself this morning.

  4) It sounds a good idea.

  5) He proved an honest man.

  6) It appears a true story.

  7) At the moment he was all attention.

  8) Nuclear power seemed the answer.

  9) He was all smiles.

  10) The labour shortage remained a problem.

  11) They are the same size.

  12) He sounded a modest man.

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