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2013年03月30日15:18  中国网    我有话说

  Some people think Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. For us, that time of the year is whenever we're assigned the privilege of picking the world's 100 hottest women. We're talking actresses (hello, Amber Heard), athletes (so nice to see you, Alex Morgan), supermodels (and you, Gisele), and anyone else with a pair of X chromosomes known for looking good in the barely there. Don't just take our word for it。

  The following are the top 10 hottest woman of 2013:

  窈窕淑女,君子好逑。但是,似乎淑女已不再合乎现代男性的口味了。妩媚、美腿、S曲线成为了他们心中的向往。美国杂志《Men's Health》推出了2013年首款“年度性感女星”榜单,下面让我们来看看排在前十位的尤物。

  艾梅柏·希尔德(Amber Heard)

尤物来袭:2013全球十大女神出炉(双语)Amber Heard

  Do you feel lucky, punk? Well, do you? Because the luscious and lithe Heard owns a Dirty Harry-style .357 Magnum. If that's not enough bang for you, we hear that Heard also drives a '68 'Stang, and ain't afraid to put the pedal to the metal. As for that film oeuvre, it could be said that Heard's favorite piece of wardrobe is her birthday suit. We say amen to her feral—and very naked—turn in Bret Easton Ellis' The Informers。


  吉赛尔·邦辰(Gisele Bündchen)

尤物来袭:2013全球十大女神出炉(双语)Gisele Bündchen

  Umlauts are not usually sexy. They bring to mind führers and heavy metal bands. But Gisele Bündchen, 32, has single-handedly obliterated our umlaut aversion. She's like a fashion model blitzkrieg; unstoppable, and easily destroying the competition. She's been so busy that she purportedly turned down 20 million dollars to be the spokeswoman for Clonaid, the human cloning company. Which, on the one hand, was probably a smart business decision. (The Guinness Book of Records credits her as "the world's richest supermodel," so she doesn't need the money。) But still, can you imagine if Clonaid was able to use their cloning technology to build an army of Bündchens? There could be a Bündchen in every home! Okay, probably not realistic, but we can dream, can't we?




  Last name? Who needs a last name? Like fellow sex icon Madonna, Beyoncé does just fine with a single, three-syllable moniker. And in the last decade-plus, that name has become synonymous with spectacular pipes, formidable acting skills, and most importantly, skintight suits. She's also known for a remarkable string of hits: Beyoncé's third album, "I Am Sasha...Fierce", set a record in 2008 with six Grammy wins in the same night. Unbelievably, things only seem to keep getting better for Knowles—in 2012, she not only gave birth to her daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, but also landed a spot as the headliner of the Super Bowl 47 halftime show this February。



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