An obsessed fan was arrested for swimming to Taylor Swift's beach home on last Wednesday morning。
The 22-year-old man - who is yet to be named - attempted to swim to the I Knew You Were Trouble hitmaker's property in Rhode Island, New England, in a bid to meet the country singer。
However after being caught out by her security team he swam back in the opposite direction where he was detained by police for trespassing。
Taylor Swift was no doubt a little shaken after learning this。
Police spotted the Chicago man getting out of the water around a mile from Taylor's new residence at 2:20am and upon questioning him, he reportedly admitted he intended to swim to shore, clamber up to the pop star's home and greet her.
Finally, the man was hauled into a nearby police station。
Westerly Police Department told TMZ: 'There is a zero tolerance policy for trespassers.'
娱乐快讯:上周三的凌晨,在新英格兰, 一名泰勒·斯威夫特的超级粉丝企图通过游泳爬上海滩潜入泰勒在罗德岛海岸附近的新家去看他喜欢的这位明星。但最终这名粉丝在距泰勒新家附近的不远处被保安及时发现并被警方以非法侵入他人住宅的名义逮捕。警方透露,这名男子来自芝加哥,今年22岁,除此之外,警方并未透露该男子的姓名及其它信息。
据悉,这所地处新英格兰罗德岛黄金地段的名为Harkness House的豪宅是泰勒在上个月看重并付巨资买下的。在经过了粉丝企图潜入的事件之后,保安加强了在该豪宅附近的巡逻。毫无疑问,对于发生的这一事件泰特会有些小小的震惊,但这并没有在很大程度上影响到泰勒的生活和事业。