The air date for the first episode of series three of BBC One's Sherlock has been confirmed as Wednesday 1st January 2014 after weeks of anticipation from fans.
The news of the detective’s New Year’s Day return was revealed by the BBC on Friday in a publicity stunt which saw a funeral hearse drive through London bearing the date of Sherlock’s return in flowers alongside the hashtag
#SherlockLives. The car visited a number of the show's shooting locations, including Baker Street, North Gower Street and St Bart's Hospital.
BBC在周五通过一次公众宣传活动发布了这部侦探剧集将在新年回归的消息。一辆灵车驶遍伦敦的街道,车上载着用花朵做成的《神探夏洛克》第三季首播日期,灵车上还有#SherlockLives 的话题标签。灵车驶过了一些该部的拍摄地点,包括贝克街、高尔北街和圣巴特医院。
The first episode of the new series, entitled The Empty Hearse may allow fans to finally find out how Sherlock Holmes (Benedict Cumberbatch) cheated death in the series two finale The Reichenbach Fall.
Co-creators Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat have so far kept a tight lid on how the detective survived his dramatic tumble from the roof of St Bart's Hospital, but Moffat has hinted that all will be revealed in the series three opener.
After the series two opener A Scandal in Belgravia was seen by over ten and a half million viewers, this latest publicity stunt looks likely to draw mass audiences to the 1st January episode.
It is yet to be confirmed whether the drama will continue to run on a Wednesday or switch to a weekend prime-time position after the first episode.
Happy New Year Sherlock fans!