双语星座:双子座富翁最多 天蝎座财运垫底

2013年12月16日18:41  新浪教育 微博   

  IT’S time to count your lucky stars — if you are a Gemini.


  A study of the 1,000 richest people in Britain has found that those born under the sign of the twins have the best chance of making a fortune.


  They represent nearly one in ten of our wealthiest and include Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Tom Jones and Jamie Oliver.

  双子座出生的这些人几乎占富人群体的十分之一,其中有著名歌手保罗 麦卡特尼、爵士歌手汤姆 琼斯和名厨杰米 奥利弗。

  Our analysis, based on a sneak preview of the 25th Sunday Times Rich List, shows which star signs are best represented by our wealthiest citizens.


  Geminis, born May 22 to June 21, topped the horoscope league for the third year in a row with 9.9 per cent of our richest.


  But bottom of the pile were Scorpios, with only 6.5 per cent.


  They include Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich and Macca’s third wife Nancy Shevell who has a lucrative stake in her family’s US transport business.

  这一群体包括切尔西州长罗曼 阿布拉莫维奇和麦卡的第三任妻子南茜 谢维尔。南茜 谢维尔拥有其家族在美国的物流产业的股份。

  Capricorn was the second richest sign, with 9.6 per cent. Third with 9.4 per cent was Aries, then Taurus (8.9%), Leo (8.6%), Sagittarius (8.2%), Cancer (8%), Pisces (7.9%), Libra (7.8%), Aquarius (7.7%) and Virgo (7.5%).


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