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2015年05月21日15:33  新浪教育 微博   我有话说 收藏本文     




  Chris Ge: the “Elder Brother of All Maple LeafGraduates”

  Graduated in 1999,General Manager of EduVentures Educational Tours, BCom inEntrepreneurship,University of Victoria, living in Vancouver

  Chris Ge graduated fromMaple Leaf in 1999 as one of the first graduates. He was firstly admitted byVancouver Island University and then transferred to the University of Victoria.After his university graduation, he worked as a manager in the marketingdepartment for Universial Bus Services in Vancouver, and then retured to China.He was a project manager for Dell China, and then Assistant to VP Marketing atChina Maple Leaf Educational Systems. In 2012, he founded EduVenturesEducational Tours in Vancouver. For Maple Leaf’s 20th anniversarycelebration, he donated a themed relief to the Exhibition Hall of Maple LeafHistory at the newly opened Sherman Jen Library。




  韩荣植出生在韩国首尔,是最早就读枫叶的韩国学生,熟练掌握韩、英、中三门语言。1999年从枫叶毕业进入美国波士顿大学电子工程专业,2003年获得理学学士学位之后回韩国服兵役。2006年起在National Instruments Korea担任工程师。2013年获得韩国科学技术院MBA,进入美国德莱赛兰油田设备制造集团,从技术和商业角度为客户上马新设备准备提案。

  Calvin Han: the “Originator of KoreanStudents”

  Graduatedin 1999, Proposal Development Engineer at Dresser-Rand, KAIST Business SchoolMBA, living in Seoul

  CalvinHan was born in Seoul, one of the first Korean students at Maple Leaf. He is fluentin Korean, English and Chinese. In 1999 he was enrolled by Boston Univesity andmajored in Electrial Engineering. After he got his Bachelor of Science degree,he returned to Korea for military service. In 2006, he joined NationalInstruments Korea as an engineer. In 2013, he earned his MBA from KAISTBusiness School and was employed by Dresser-Rand as a proposal developmentengineer, playing a key role in the preparation of technical and commercialproposals for new equipment。





  Ethel Wei: First One that Returned as a BCTeacher

  Graduatedin 1999, BC certified teacher at Maple Leaf International School – Dalian, Master in Quantitative Economics and Finance, UniversitéParis 1, living in Dalian

  Ethel Wei isfluent in Chinese, English and French. She is a BC certified teacher and isqualified to teach French immersion. After graduating from Maple Leaf in 1999,she studied in the University of Toronto and then Université Paris 1,awarded Erasmus Mundus Scholarship by the European Commission. She is amember of the Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association, Bruxelles,Belgium anda member of the RoyalEconomics Society, UK. She taught in L’ÉcoleSecondaire Esquimalt

  and Elite EducationalInstitute,Victoria, Canada, and started teaching at Maple Leaf in 2012.




  姚子然拥有美国和中国律师执业资格,曾为欧洲最大的律所之一Chiomenti Studio Legale合伙人。2011年创立YSLAW律师事务所。2013年获得“中国杰出青年律师”称号以及美国证监会授予的 “上市公司优秀管理者”称号。她是美国太阳能行业协会董事会成员、欧盟委员会新型能源工作委员会成员以及中国能源协会美国、欧洲太阳能反倾销,反补贴调查工作委员会成员。

  Margarita Yao: an Outstanding Lawyer in Asia,North America and Europe

  Graduated in1999, Managing Partner at YSLaw, Juridical Doctor, Florida State University,living in China, the US and Germany。

  MargaritaYaois a liscensed lawyer in both the US and China. She was a partner at ChiomentiStudio Legale, one of the largest law firms in Europe. In 2011, she establishedYSLaw. In 2013, she received the title of “China’s Outstanding Young Lawyer”,and the title of “Excellent Public Company Administrator” by the SEC. She is amember of the US Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA), the European Union Legal and Tax Committee and theEU/US policy and strategy working group of PRC Chamber of Commerce for Importand Export of Machinery and Electronic Products (CCCME)。




  邹运有在中国、加拿大和美国的学习、工作经历。1999年他年仅16岁就从枫叶毕业进入加拿大多伦多大学,在大学期间联合发起成立了多伦多大学中国本科生协会,是最大的学生组织之一。2003年从多伦多大学获得经济学荣誉学士学位之后,他从软件工程师做起,逐渐过渡到技术顾问、管理顾问等岗位。2012年曾在上海的私募股权基金PREIPO CAPITAL任职参与价值数千万美元级别的私募投资项目。

  Raymond Zou:the “Maple Leaf Genius” WhoGot Into U of T at 16

  Graduatedin 1999, Project Manager, FEDEX CANADA, MBA, University of Michigan, living inToronto

  Raymondhas experiences of studying and working in China, Canada and the US. In 1999,at the age of only 16, he was admitted by the University of Toronto and majoredin Economics. He was a co-founder of the Chinese Undergraduate Association, oneof the largest student organizations at U of T. He started his career as asoftware engineer, and gradually transitioned to technology and managementcounsultant. In 2012, he worked as a private equity associate at PreipoCapital, closing multi-million-dollar private equity transactions。





  Jason Yang: Ambassador of China-IndiaTrade

  Graduatedin 2000, General Manager of Dalian Long’an Equipment Import and Export, Ltd.,Bachelor of Science in Economics, living in Dalian

  Jasonwas born in Dalian. In 2000, he graduated from Maple Leaf and was enrolled bythe University of Victoria. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in 2004 and gaveup an opportunity to do post-graduate work in the US. He returned home andestablished Long’an with his father. He started as the manager of the marketingdepartment, and worked his way up to become vice general manager and thengeneral manager. The business is devoted to promote trade between China andIndia, especially in the areas of machinery, wind power generation equipment,minerals and foods。



  2001届毕业生,加拿大丰业银行商业银行部特殊金融服务分部Roynat Capital经理,加拿大女皇大学工商管理硕士MBA,现居多伦多。

  王黎黎2001年从枫叶毕业之后进入加拿大西蒙菲莎大学学习公共关系学。本科毕业至今已在娱乐传播业、清洁能源业、矿业和银行业完成三次华丽的跨界升迁。她曾在SierraGeothermal Power, Manex Resource Group和NewPacific Metals Corp。三家上市公司负责投资者关系工作。2013年获得加拿大女皇大学金融专业MBA学位,并受到《金融邮报》的采访报道。

  Kelly Wang: A Strong Woman Who HasAdvanced Her Career Across Industries

  Graduatedin 2001, Associate at Roynat Capital, Scotiabank, MBA, Queen’s University, livingin Toronto

  Kellygraduated from Maple Leaf in 2001 and then studied public relations at SimonFraser University. She has navigated her career across very differentindustries, from entertainment to clean energy, to mining and to banking,playing more key roles each time. She worked for three public companies, SierraGeothermal Power, Manex Resource Group and New Pacific Metals Corp. in the areaof investor relations. In 2013, she earned her MBA in Finance from Queen’sUniversity and was interveiwed by Financial Post on behalf of her MBA class。




  杨杨从枫叶毕业后进入加拿大西安大略大学学习经济学,之后进入西蒙菲莎大学继续深造并获得经济学硕士学位。她曾在Canaccord Genuity公司任投资者关系专员,也曾在不列颠哥伦比亚理工学院(BCIT)任讲师五年,教授工商管理学士课程,如数学模型、微积分、统计学等。2011年加盟Leede金融市场有限公司,历任经济师、投资顾问、企业上市融资经理等职。

  Sunnie Yang: A Gold-Collar Professional

  Graduatedin 2001, Corporate Finance Manager, Leede Financial Markets, MA in Economics,Simon Fraser University, living in Vancouver

  Sunniewas admitted by Western University after she graudated from Maple Leaf andmajored in Economics. After getting her BA, she furthered her studies at SimonFraser University and got her MA in Economics. She was an investor relationsofficer at Canaccord Genuity and taught BBA program for five years at BCIT,such as Math Models, Calculus and Statistics. In 2011, she joined LeedeFinancial Markets and served successively as economist, investment advisor andcorporate finance manager。





  Isabelle Ding: A Professional WhoPractices Yoga and Runs Marathon

  Graduated in 2001, former Business Development Officer,AmCham China Northeast Chapter (Dalian) ,now an International Business Advisorat Dezan Shira & Associates, an Asia-focused business consulting company.Master of Public Administration,London School of Economics (UK), livingin Shanghai

  Isabelle was admitted by York University, Canada aftershe graduated from Maple Leaf. She earned her BA in Economics and Business andgraduated with Summa Cum Laude distinction, ranked No. 1 in Department of Economics.She went on and obtained a scholarship to pursueher MPA from London Schoolof Economics. During her stay in the UK, she interned at GovernmentAdvisorydepartment of Accenture as well as the National Audit Office ofthe UK, andlaterworked as an Corporate Finance Analyst at AlegroCapital, an American Boutique Investment Bank headquartered in London. In2012, she returned to her hometown Dalian and worked as InternationalBrand Manager, Dalian Northeast Asia International Brand Trading Centre Co., Ltd.She speaks Mandarin Chinese, English and French. 




  金铁铨出生在辽宁著名的皮草之乡 – 辽阳佟二堡。从多伦多大学毕业后回国进入家族企业,从一线员工做到董事总经理,将家族企业发展成辽阳市政府重点扶持的新兴科技企业。他现在是辽阳市人大[微博]代表,四川大学和陕西科技大学的企业家导师,还是“现代雷锋”郭明义爱心团队会员。

  Sean Jin: the “King” Who Has Developed Family Business Up and Downstream

  Graduatedin 2002,General Manager of Brother Fur Dying and Jinbaolai Furs, Bachelor ofArts in International Development, University of Toronto, living in Liaoyang

  Seanwas born in Tongerpu, Liaoyang – a famous town for fur products. After hegraduated from the University of Toronto, he returned home and joined thefamily business, starting from first-line staff and advancing to GeneralManager. He has grown the family business into an emerging technology company.He is a National People’s Congress (NPC) member of Liaoyang, entrepreneurshipmentor for Sichuan University and Shaanxi University of Technology, as well asa member of “Modern Lei Feng”Guo Mingyi Volunteer Team。





  Fred Ren: Love·Learn·Live

  Graduated in 2002, Vice Principal of MLES ResearchInstitute & Supervisor of Project Orca, Secretary General of the GlobalAlumni Association of Maple Leaf International Schools (MLAA), Master ofEducation in Technology, Innovation and Education, Harvard University, livingin Dalian

  Fred stayed to work for Maple Leaf right after hegraduated in 2002. He was then sponsored by Maple Leaf to study at theUniversity of Victoria.In 2008, he retured to Maple Leaf as promised, and tookvarious responsiblities, such as Assistant to BC Superintendant, DeputyCounselor General of Maple Leaf International School-Chongqing and Assistant toVP Marketing, etc. In 2012, he became one of the seven Chinese scholars whoreceived the Marco Polo fellowship from Harvard University。





  Paul Xu: Talented Entrepreneur inCanada

  Graduatedin 2002, General Manager of Yiwei Overseas Studies and Immigration Counsultingand Uplus Accounting, CMA, CPA, RCIC,BBA from Simon Fraser Univeristy, livingin Toronto

  Aftergraduating from Simon Fraser University, he earned several designations, e.g.Chartered Management Accountant(CMA),Chartered Public Accountant (CPA) inCanada and Australia, and Registered Canadian Immigration Counsultant (RCIC).He founded Yiwei Overseas Studies and Immigration Counsulting and UplusAccounting, and is also a member of North America International StudentsAssication, Sino-Canada Immigrants Society and North America InternationalCultural Exchange Association。




  金铎从枫叶毕业后进入加拿大圭尔夫大学学习计算机科学与技术。他毕业后一直在信息技术行业打拼,先后担任加拿大Penlieu Consultants软件工程师及IBM高级技术顾问。2012年获得北京大学国家发展研究院国际工商管理硕士学位,并加盟全球最大的独立数据集成软件提供商美国资科和信背景信息技术有限公司(Informatica) 担任资深技术顾问。

  Alex Jin: A Value Miner in Big Data

  Graduatedin 2002, Senior Consultant, Informatica Corp., International MBA, PekingUniversity National Development Research Center, living in Beijing

  Alexwent to study computer science at the University of Guelph after he graduatedfrom Maple Leaf. Since he got his Bachelor of Computing degree, Minor inBusiness Administration, he has always been working in the IT industry,starting his career as a software engineer for Penlieu Consultants in Canadaand then a technical consultant for IBM. In 2012, he earned his InternationalMBA degree from Peking University National Development Research Center andjoined Informatica, the world’s largest independent data management softwarecompany, listed on Nasdaq。




  毕翰良从初一起就入读枫叶。本科毕业后,他曾担任加拿大BC省坎贝尔河市North Shore木材测量有限公司废弃及残留木材测量助理、维多利亚市加拿大联邦政府环境部水和气象影响研究中心科研助理以及列治文市加拿大联邦政府环境部水文测量局环境监测员等职。与加国白人女孩儿Amber Dawn已结婚9年。

  Peter Bi: A Federal PublicServant Who Married A Canadian

  Graduatedin 2003, HydrometricTechnician, TheWater Survey of Canada, Environment Canada, Bachelor of Arts in EnvironmentalStudies and Geography, University of Victoria, living in Vancouver

  Peterentered Maple Leaf when he was in Grade 7. After graduating from the Universityof Victoria, Canada, he worked in varous locations in British Columbia, such as

  Campbell River, as Wasteand Residue Surveyor Assistant for North Shore ScalingLtd., and in Victoria, as Research Assistant for Waterand Climate Impacts Research Centre / Environment Canada. He is married withAmber Dawn, a Canadian citizen, for 9 years now。




  徐斌初中时戴着原学校给的“差生”帽子进入枫叶,结果获得巨大转变。2003年进入加拿大多伦多大学,而后又成为剑桥大学金融硕士。他历任安信证券投资银行部经理、施罗德资产管理公司固定收益投资部资产担保债券分析师、Citco 金融集团基金服务组高级分析师和对冲基金组分析师等职。2012年,他加盟枫叶,出任联席CFO,助推枫叶在2014年11月28日成功登陆香港联交所。

  Ace Xu: the Maple Leaf Graduate WhoOperated Maple Leaf’s IPO

  Graduatedin 2003, Co-CFO of China Maple Leaf Educational Systems, Master of Finance,Cambridge University, UK, living in Dalian

  Ace was labelled as a“bad” student by his previous school when he entered Maple Leaf and he was drasticallytransformed duiring the years he studied at Maple Leaf. In 2003, he graduatedfrom Maple Leaf and entered the University of Toronto, and later he alsoobtained his Master of Finance degree from Cambridge University in UK.He workedfor Citco Group of Companies as Senior Analyst – Fund Services and Analyst –Hedge Fund Group; for Schroders Investment Management as Fixed Income Analyst,and for Essence Securities Co., Ltd as Associate – Investment BankingDepartment. In 2012, he joined Maple Leaf as co-CFO and boosted the process ofgetting Maple Leaf listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange。





  Mona Tan:Respected and Lovely “Principal Cat”

  Graduated in 2003, Vice Principal of Maple Leaf InternationalElementary School, Dalian, Bachelor of Science in Math, University of BritishColumbia, Master of Educational Leadership candidate, Royal Roads University,living in Dalian

  Mona studied at Maple Leaf from 1997 to 2003 and was sponsored byMaple Leaf to study at the University of British Columbia from 2004 to 2008.Aftergraduation, she served successively as Assistant to ESL Director, Assistant toBC Superintenant, Director of the Systems’Administration Office, etc. Now sheis the Vice Headmistress of Maple Leaf International Elementary School, verymuch loved by students and teachers, and is affectionately called “PrincipalCat”。





  Onion Tian: “theWoman Behind the King”

  Graduated in 2003, former Production Manager,Beijing Chuan Films, MA in Films and TV Programs Production, living in Beijing

  After graduating from Maple Leaf, Onion wentto the University of Notingham to study filming, and later she entered theUniversity of Bristol and obtained her MA in films and TV programs production.After she returned to China, she worked as a project manager at Beijing CrystalComputer Graphics. In 2011, she joined Chuan Films as Production Manager, afilm production firm led by the famous director Lu Chuan. She was responsiblefor the production of “The Last Supper” and several micro-flims, such as“Kleine Haie” and “Go Wild”。





  Carol Xie: Artist? Businesswoman? Chef!

  Graduatedin 2004, General Manager of Beijing Yirong Art Investment Management, Ltd.,Master of Museum Critique, Harvard University, Ph.D candidate in Art History,Peking University, living in London and New York

  Aftergraduating from Maple Leaf, Carol studied interactive media in the AlbertaCollege of Arts and Design, and then earned her Master’s degree in Photographyfrom Academy of Art University in San Franscisco. Her photograph works havebeen on international exhibits numurous times, and some were selected into Best American AnnualPhotography 2011. She was Marketing Director of Beijing Gaosheng WealthManagement. Since 2014, she has been an overseas co-producer of the movieSilent Genes。





  Iris Ma:A Writer Diving into E-Commerce, Leading Wal-Mart's promotion on Black Friday

  2004 Maple Leaf graduate. Product ContentAssistant Manager at Wal-Mart Canada's eCommerce department and Co-GeneralManager of Foreign Life Assistance Group (FLAG). Master of BusinessAdministration at York University. Currently living in Toronto。

  After graduating from Maple Leaf, Iris obtainedher Honours Bachelor of Arts Degree (Major in English, Specialist inJournalism) at the University of Toronto. Before joining Wal-Mart, she workedas the General Manager of Multilingual International Research and EthnicMedia Services and earlier as a staff reporter at the World Journal in Toronto.Iris co-founded FLAG in 2012, serving international students studying inOntario, British Columbia and Alberta. 



  2004届毕业生,加拿大CMC Kitchen Cabinet橱柜公司经理兼设计师,加拿大圣克莱尔学院室内装潢专业学士,现居多伦多。

  王新元2004年从枫叶毕业后进入加拿大圣克莱尔学院,一开始学习商科,后来转为室内装潢专业。大学毕业后进入一家厨房装修公司,工作了四个月就辞职创建了自己的公司Kitchen Star。前期经营困难,几度走到破产的边缘。在同是枫叶校友的爱人纪婉婷的支持下,逐步走出困境。现在拥有CMC Kitchen Cabinet和Neokitchen两家公司,服务于大多伦多地区的客户。

  Michael Wang: Maple Leaf CoupleStarting Up Ventures in Canada

  Graduatedin 2004, Manager and Designer, CMC Kitchen Cabinet, Diploma in Interior Design,St. Clair College, living in Toronto

  In2004, Michael graduated from Maple Leaf and entered St. Clair College to studybusiness and later transferred to interior design. After getting his diploma,he joined a kitchen design company. After only four months working there, hetook the risk of quiting the job and started his own business, Kitchen Star. Atthe beginning, he faced a lot of difficulties and almost went bankrupt severaltimes. With the support of his wife Linda, who is also a Maple Leaf graduate,his company gradually grew. Now he owns two companies, CMC Kitchen Cabinet andNeokitchen, serving the greater Toronto area. 





  Adam Liu: A Political Science ScholarWho Received Full Scholarship from Stanford

  Graduatedin 2005,former policy analyst for the Federal Government of Canada, Ph.D.candidate in Political Science, Stanford University, living in San Francisco

  Adam was admitted into the University of Toronto in 2005after graduating from Maple Leaf. He majored in International Studies andPolitical Science. After receiving his B.A., he earned his M.A. in Asia-PacificStudies and Political Science, also at U of T. He was ranked No. 1 in his classand received the “Gordon Cressy” Student Leadership Award of U of T. While anM.A. student, Adam was also the Editor-in-Chief for the Asian Institutejournal. With over $400,000 scholarship, he was admitted into the PoliticalScience Ph.D. program at Stanford University in 2011. At Stanford, his mentorsinclude such prestigious figures as former U.S. Secretary of State CondoleezzaRice. He has presented his work at world’s leading research institutions, e.g.Columbia, Harvard and Chicago. 



  2005届毕业生,美国McCarter & English律师事务所医药及生物科技专利技术顾问,美国麻省理工学院生物化学博士,美国萨福克大学法学博士在读,现居波士顿。


  Yu Miao: A Super ScientistWho Earned Her Ph.D. from MIT in Just 4 Years

  Graduated in 2005, Technical Specialist at McCarter and English LLP.;Ph.D. degree in Biology with emphasis on biochemistry, chemical and cellbiology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; J.D. candidate, SuffolkUniversity Law School, living in Boston

  Miao graduated from Maple Leaf in 2005 and entered the University ofToronto to study Biochemistry. After receiving her honors Bachelor of Sciencedegree in Biochemistry with highest distinction, she was admitted into MIT’sPh.D. program with full fellowship and got her Ph. D. in just four years. Sheis the recipient of 12 scholarships and awards from the University of Torontoand MIT, author of co-author of 7 published academic papers and inventor of aseries of pending patents in the field of biochemistry。





  CeliaZhao:A Smiling Warrior

  Graduatedin 2005, former Intercompany, Fixed Asset and Treasury Financial Analyst,Janssen Inc., MBA candidate, Schulich School of Business, York University,living in Toronto

  Celiawas admitted by the University of Toronto after graduating from Maple Leaf. Shemajored in Accounting, graduated as Bachelor of Business Administration withhigh distinction,  and obtained CPA, CAdesignation. She worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) LLP, as SeniorAssociate in Audit and Assurance Group and in Canadian Corporate Tax Group andInternational Expatriate Tax Group. She was a top rated PwC employee, andreceived PwC GTA Spotlight Award. She is now a Schulich Graduate SchoolAmbassador and class representative for GBC Council. She speaks Mandrin Chinese,English and French。





  Yi Hao: A Leader in Real EstateDevelopment

  Graduatedin 2005, Board Director and General Manager of Dalian Mingyue Real EstateDevelopment Ltd., Bachelor of Arts in Economics, McMaster University, Canada,living in Dalian

  Haograduated from Maple Leaf in 2005 and was admitted by McMaster University tostudy economics. In 2009, he returned to China and founded a series ofventures, e.g. Mingyue Real Estate Development, Haoyu Interior Design, LonghengConstruction, Lvda Classic Hotel Management, Rome Holiday Hotel, etc. Since2013, he has been a National People’s Congress (NPC) member of ShahekouDistrict, Dalian. In 2014, he was awarded the title of “the first session ofLiaoning province urban and rural economic and social development- realestate and construction industry leader。”





  Kelly Shi: To Write A Beautiful Life

  Graduatedin 2005, Account/Relationship Manager, Guidepoint Counsulting, Master of SocialScience in Media Management, Hong Kong Baptist University, living in Hong Kong

  Aftergraduating from Maple Leaf, Kelly went to Western University, Canada to studyeconomics. Later, she obtained her Master of Social Science in Media Managementdegree from Hong Kong Baptist University. She was a Financial NewsCorrespondent for Xinhua News Agency (Asia-Pacific) and a Mandarin News Anchorfor Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB).She speaks Mandarin, Cantonese andEnglish fluently.She loves Chinesecalligraphy, public speaking and writing, winning national championships incalligraphy and essay writing. She also won a few public speaking contests inCanada, representing Western University。



  2005届毕业生,纽菲尔德国际教育集团中国东北区域营销总监,加拿大麦克马斯特大学生物工程专业学士 (辅修教育心理学),现居沈阳。

  张明思从枫叶毕业后进入加拿大麦克马斯特大学学习生物工程,辅修教育心理学。毕业后,曾去湖北恩施高乐山镇土家族自治区支教一年,曾担任新东方英语学校的雅思[微博]口语讲师。2010年至2014年在加拿大派特森英语学校大中华校区担任语言学习规划师,她指导的学生获得过英国剑桥大学、香港大学[微博]、美国杜克大学等名校录取。2014年底,她裸辞了一份高薪职业开始创业, 成为东北区域最大的境外服务总代理, 致力于留学生出国之后的后续境外服务。 公司遍布奥克兰,悉尼,墨尔本,伦敦,洛杉矶,波士顿,温哥华和多伦多。帮助留学生在当地解决生活学习上的各种困难。

  Zhang Mingsi: “I can’t change thedirection of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach mydestination。”- Jimmy Dean

  Graduated in 2005,Marketing Director of Northeastern China, New Field International EducationGroup, Bachelor of Science in Bio~engineering, minor in Educational Psychology,living in Shenyang

  After graduating from MapleLeaf, Mingsi went to McMaster University to study bioengineering and minored in educational psychology. After earning her bachelor’s, she returnedto China and taught in a remote monority town in Enshi, Hubei, for a year. Shewas also an IELTS oral English teacher at New Oriental School. During 2010 to2014, she worked as an academic advisor for a Canadian company called PattisonEnglish in Shenyang. Her students received offers from top universities, suchas Cambridge, HKU and Duke. In the end of 2014, she left a high commission job,launched her own career. Opening a franchise for the biggest overseas serviceagency in the northeast of China, which is committed to providing various follow-upservice for students abroad. Its branches are located globally in Auckland, Sydney, Melbourne, London, Los Angeles, Boston, Vancouver andToronto. Her aim is to help students abroad solve all the problems which occurwhen studying and/or living abroad。



  2005届毕业生,加拿大National Money Mart贷款公司贷款顾问,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学环境学学士,现居埃德蒙顿。

  戚晋2005年从枫叶毕业,被加拿大阿尔伯塔大学环境学专业录取。获得环境学学士学位后留校工作,在阿尔伯塔大学植物园担任教授助理,从事采集苔藓标本等工作。工作3年后越发感觉植物园的工作并不适合性格外向的自己,决定作出改变。在2012年转入金融行业,进入National Money Mart贷款公司任贷款顾问,为急需短期贷款的人士提供金融服务。

  Kim Qi: the Fittest Is the Best

  Graduatedin 2005, Loan Advisor, National Money Mart, B.Sc. in Environmental Studies,University of Alberta, living in Edmonton

  Kimgraduated from Maple Leaf in 2005 and was admitted by the University ofAlberta, majoring in Environmental Studies. After graduation, she stayed towork in the botanical garden at the University of Alberta as a researchassistant, collecting bryophyte specimens. After threeyears working there, she found her extrovert personality did not fit the jobwell and decided to change. In 2012, she entered the financial servicesindustry, working for National Money Mart as a loan advisor, serving people whoneed short-term loans。


  权奇也:羊年 = The Year of the Goat, Sheep, Ram or any Ruminant Horned Animal?



  Alvin Quan: 2015 = The Year of theGoat, Sheep, Ram or any Ruminant Horned Animal?

  Graduatedin 2006, co-founder of RTSANS Translators Society, MA candidate in East AsiaRegional Studies, Columbia University, living in New York

  Alvingraduated from Maple Leaf in 2006 and went to the University of Victoria tostudy Sociology and Asian Pacific Studies. After getting his bachelor’s, hereturned to Maple Leaf. He served successively as  Assistant to the BC Principal, Teacher onCall (TOC) and Assistant to VP Marketing and Development. He is good atsinging, composing and piano playing. He directed several events, such as theMaple Leaf Educational Systems’ Christmas and New Year Gala. He speaks MandarinChinese, English and Korean, and is particularly interested in comparative historiesof China and Korea. In 2013, he co-founded the RTSANS Translators Society。





  Allen Sun: “University of VictoriaWelcomes Maple Leaf Graduates”

  Graduatedin 2007, International Student Recruitment – China Specialist,University of Victoria, Bachelor of Commerce, University of Victoria, living inVictoria

  Allen was admitted by the University ofVictoria after he graduated from Maple Leaf, and he earned his Bachelor ofCommerce there. During the past two sessions of Maple Leaf InternationalUniversity/College Student Recruitment Fair, he had been representing UVic torecruit Maple Leaf graduates. He got interested in student recruitment as earlyas he was still a Maple Leaf high school student while he volunteered at MapleLeaf’s Fushun Recruitment Office. At UVic, he also volunteered at internationalstudent recruitment events and new student orientation. He also participated inthe International Educators Training Program (IETP) at Queen’s University andwas an international students advisor at UVic. 





  Evelyn Chen: An Open-minded Person

  Graduated in 2008, Senior Financial Advisor, Bank of NovaScotia, Bachelor of Commerce, McGill University, living in Edmonton。

  Evelyn graduated from Maple Leaf in 2008 and was admittedby McGill University. She majored in Accounting and also took Entreprenurshipas minor, and completed all required courses for CGA, CMA and CA candidacy.Since high school, she has been active in volunteer activities, especially servingin seniors’ homes and orphanage. She was also an intern at Bank of ChinaShenyang branch and worked as Internal Communication Director for AIESEC McGillfor two years. She worked for TD Canada Trust and BMO Bank of Montreal asFinancial Services Manager in the past two years. She is able to communicate inChinese, English and French. 


文章关键词: 国际学校

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