Parents of English as a Second Language (ESL) students around the world have one thing in common- they want to see results. Although similar to other parents in this way, parents in China are in a unique position. They see their children grow quickly in grammar, reading, and writing, but slowly in listening and even more so in speaking. Chinese public schools favor rote memorization, standardized testing, and repetition- not a recipe for strong oral communication skills.Modern, educated parents see a problem that should be corrected but…how?
As a parent, I face similar issues. My daughter, Stella, has spoken Chinese since birth and is now a native speaker of two languages. My husband and I face a decision in the future- do we continue Stella’s Chinese training when we inevitably move to an English-speaking country? If so, how? Do we focus on speaking and listening or pay for the tutoring and classes that will be necessary for her to read and write? Which is more important? Should reading and writing be developed from the beginning or can it be delayed?
Why Reading?
All languages have four major categories- speaking, listening, reading, and writing(composition). To become fluent in a foreign language, the student must master each of these four categories. For example, until I decide to tackle reading and writing Chinese characters, I will never be fluent in Chinese. Although my speaking and listening skills help me immensely, without reading and writing I struggle to work in a business environment. In the business world, the ability to read and write is an undeniable necessity。
Just like a table that’s missing a leg, students of English who skip or delay their reading and writing development have a weak, unstable foundation. The majority of ESL textbooks and courses begin with basic reading kills. Students lacking in this area will continually fall behind their classmates and peers. An 8 years old child with advanced speaking and listening skills will struggle to find a suitable program for their age group and, most likely, will continue to struggle to read and spell until they address the problem as an adult- or give up。
就像一张桌子缺少腿一样,孩子学习英语如果在阅读和写作方面落后就会有很弱很不稳定的基础。大多数英语学习教材和课程都是从基础阅读技巧开始教授的。孩子在这个方面薄弱就会持续落后于同学们。一个8岁的小朋友有很强的听力和口语能力会很难找到一个合适他们年龄段的学习项目。这个小朋友在学习阅读和拼写单词方面很可能会继续十分费力,直到他们成年以后解决了这个问题—— 或者放弃。
Fabulous Phonics-
The best way to learn to read in English is through phonics. Think about the English alphabet as a big, 26 letter puzzle. Only people who know the “code”, or the sound that each letter makes, can complete this puzzle. Students grow from learning the sound for each letter to combining sounds to form simple consonant-vowel-consonant words. A strong phonics foundation also affects other aspects of language learning such as spelling and composition. A solid foundation in reading can be accomplished in two-three years, depending on the program。
Reading vs. Reading Comprehension-
For many children, reading skills will come faster than reading comprehension. This means that, in a good program, the student should be able to read words but not necessarily understand the meaning of each word. This is normal. I encourage parents to think of phonics as the foundation of a house- you can’t see it but you’ll definitely know if it’s missing. Reading comprehension is like the paintor the flowers in the front yard- beautiful but not immediately necessary。
纯阅读 Vs. 阅读理解
对于很多小孩来说,阅读能力比阅读理解能力更先获得。这意味着在一个好的课程中,孩子应该能够阅读单词但是不一定理解每个词的意思。这是正常的。我鼓励父母朋友们把语音学习想成一个房子的地基—— 你看不见它,但是如果地基不牢你肯定能感觉到。阅读理解就像油漆或者庭院中的鲜花—— 虽然很漂亮但是你不一定需要它。
It Doesn’t Have to be Fast to be Right-
One way to know that your child is using phonics to read words is the process. Children should approach a new word by “sounding out” the word, or breaking it down into its’ original parts. Many parents have the expectation that, if their child can read, they should be able to read quickly. To the contrary, a child who takes the time to break down a word into individual sounds is not only setting the standards up for success in reading and writing, but also developing their critical thinking and process skills. In fact, studies have shown that children who read well in a foreign language can more easily transfer these skills to a third or even fourth language。
Memorizing is NOT Reading-
Many poorly designed programs encourage students to memorize reading passages. This isusually to impress parents who believe that, if their child can’t read the material quickly, they do not understand or have not mastered that material. If a program encourages students to memorize reading passages or associates words that should be read with body/facial movements, parents should be aware that this program may be doing more harm than good。
Growing a Confident Reader-
It is important to develop confidence through reading. Parents and teachers should choose reading material that is slightly easier than the child’s current ability. Introduce your child to the wonderful world of reading without unnecessary frustration or impossible expectations。
The Earlier, The Better-
Many Chinese parents voice the concern that their child will confuse phonics with pinyin. While the concept is the same- using sounds to read words-pinyin and phonics sounds differ slightly. Parents- do not worry! Research into brain development shows us that, if a child is introduced to a foreign language before the age of 12, the brain can easily compartmentalize different languages. In fact, brain scientists compare the young brain to a sponge- the younger the child, the moreable the brain is to absorb and compartmentalize information- especially languages。
Remember my big parenting issue? It seems to me that it’s not really an issue, but a decision. A decision to start my daughter’s Chinese language education early and the determination to see it out to the end. And I plan to build her a house with a strong foundation and a table with all four legs。