Money may not buy you happiness, but having a happy childhood canmake you lots of money。
A study has found that children with a sunny disposition go onto earn more as adults, even if their parents were not educated orhigh earners. And within the same family, it is the happiestsiblings who tend to earn the most。
It will come as no surprise to self-made billionaire SirRichard Branson, who has said in the past he was ‘extremely lucky’to have had such a happy childhood with ‘wonderful, understanding’parents。
The study examined the happiness levels of 90,000 children andyoung adults in the U.S., and compared the data to their levels ofincome as adults. Even when other factors were taken into account,the economists carrying out the study found that happiness levelswhen young clearly determined higher earnings in later life。
For example, those whose life satisfaction increased by onepoint on a scale of one to five at the age of 22 were likely toearn £1,200 more a year by the age of 29.
Professor Andrew Oswald of Warwick University, the study’sco-author, said: ‘This research provides yet another reason for theneed to create an emotionally healthy home environment.’
Economists have long recognised that those with higher incomestend to be happier, but this is the first study which shows theeconomic benefits of being happy when young。
The authors said happier people tended to be more productivewhich may explain why they were promoted more quickly than theirmore pessimistic colleagues。
文章关键词: 快乐