1. Lunchbox Dad
A father-of-three has put all other parents to shame with hisartistic and mouth-watering lunchbox masterpieces。
Beau Coffron, a San Francisco-based writer who goes byLunchbox Dad on his website, creates edible art each day for hisfirst-grade daughter Abigail to bring to school。
2. Frozen
While most of his meal masterpieces are for Abigail, his sonalso occasionally helps make them. One of the lunches he's preparedwas inspired by the hit animation film Frozen。
It includes a sandwich in the shape of Snow Queen Elsa, withtiny pieces of yellow fruit used as her blonde hair. In keepingwith the theme, a side dish for this meal was made to look likeOlaf the snowman, whose nose, of course, is made from acarrot。
这份便当中有一个Elsa女王形状的三明治,埃尔莎的金发是用小块黄色水果拼成的。为了保持主题风格,便当中还放了一份雪人Olaf形状的配菜,Olaf 的鼻子是用胡萝卜制成的。
文章关键词: 午餐