

2015年02月05日15:02   教育专栏  作者:外研社  

  Forgettingpeople's names and unsightly sweat patches are among the mostcommon faux pas that leave Britons blushing with embarrassment fourtimes a day。


  Tripping inpublic and getting food stuck between teeth arealso humiliating momentsthat most try hard to avoid and one in seven say a relationship hasended because something embarrassinghappened。


  A study of2,000 adults found that burping accidentally,stalling the car at traffic lights and having food on your face areamong the top 50 most common moments that leave us redfaced。


  Commissionedby Ladbrokes, the research found that the biggest embarrassmentswere most likely to have been in the workplace while storiesinvolving things going wrong in front of the in-laws were also verycommon。


  A Ladbrokesspokesman said: ‘Everyone does their best to be composed and coolwherever they are, but it isn’t always going to work and clearlythere are many pitfalls。


  ‘The goodthing is once the awkwardness clears thelittle things that throw us can eventually be looked back on andlaughed about.’


  A fifth ofpeople have had a public speaking nightmare that they would ratherforget and the most embarrassing speaking blunder is having yourvoice break or squeaking high pitched unexpectedly。


  And one inseven Britons have been so embarrassed that they have fled a roomto avoid the awkward stares。


  The spokesmansaid: ‘The good thing about this list is no one is immune and we’reall guilty of having done at least some of these things。


  We don’talways bring them on ourselves of course, so it’s worth being awareof particular mates or people who might look to embarrass you whenyou’re off guard。


  ‘Certainsituations have more potential for embarrassment than others ofcourse but the thing to take remember from all of it is there’s nopoint taking yourself too seriously.‘


  Look down thelist and the results show there are many things that we can allrelate to and some might have more embarrassing memories thanothers。


  'Withhindsight they can even be quite funny, even if at the time youjust wanted the ground to swallow you up.’



文章关键词: 英国

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