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2013年08月20日11:52  沪江英语 微博   我有话说

1/3威廉王子全家福 小乔治首张官方照

  • 威廉王子全家福 小乔治首张官方照
  • 威廉王子全家福 小乔治首张官方照
  • 威廉王子全家福 小乔治首张官方照

  A future king sleeps peacefully in the arms of his doting mother in a family snapshot... taken by his grandfather。在这张由外公照的相片中,未来的王位继承人安静地躺在妈妈温柔的臂弯里熟睡着。

  Previous royal heirs, Prince William included, have had their first official portraits taken by society legends such as Sir Cecil Beaton and Lord Snowdon. But Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge owes his to a humble ‘point and shoot’ wielded by Kate’s father, Michael Middleton。之前的王位继承人,包括威廉王子在内,都是由塞西尔比顿爵士和斯诺登勋爵拍摄他们的第一张官方照。但是乔治·亚历山大·路易王子的第一张官方照,却是由凯特的父亲迈克尔·米德尔顿用廉价“傻瓜相机”拍的。

  And the setting? The Middletons’ sun-dappled back garden in Berkshire, with family pets Lupo and Tilly even getting in on the act。至于布景,则是在米德尔顿家位于伯克希尔的花园里拍摄,宠物狗路波和蒂莉也有出镜。

  The finished result may have charm but is technically poor and lacks the gravitas of previous official photographs, according to experts. 专家表示,最后出来的结果可能还不错,但是缺少了技巧,和之前的官方照相比,也少了分庄严。

  But according to celebrity photographer Brian Aris, the snapshots are ‘refreshing’。但是著名摄影师布赖恩·阿里斯却说这招张片很“清爽甜蜜”。

  He told the Mail: ‘The decision to take them in such an informal manner means they, perhaps, lack the level of gravitas that would normally be expected. But on the whole I would say this is quite refreshing.’他对《每日邮报》的记者说:“决定在这样不正式的场合拍照,或许少了些庄严,但总的来说很清新。”

  Kensington Palace said the photographs were taken with an inexpensive camera in early August while the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were staying with internet millionaires Carole and Michael Middleton at their £4.8million Berkshire mansion。肯辛顿宫发言人说,拍照片的相机并不贵,这张照片是威廉王子夫妇在八月初拍的,那时他们正和互联网百万富翁卡罗尔和迈克尔·米德尔顿夫妇在位于伯克希尔价值48万美元的府邸。

  Kate is wearing a £46 fuchsia-coloured knot front dress by maternity wear firm Seraphine. William is casually dressed in a blue checked shirt, tucked into jeans, and his favourite African-style belt。凯特王妃穿着孕妇装公司Seraphine生产的枚红色胸前打结的裙子,价值46美元,威廉王子身着休闲装,蓝色衬衫,牛仔裤搭配他最爱的非洲风格皮带。

  Both look a little baggy-eyed due to lack of sleep – the prince more than his wife – but are clearly overjoyed at being parents to a beautiful, healthy baby boy。两个人的眼睛因为缺觉,看起来都有点无精打采,王子比王妃更严重些——但是作为父母,拥有一个漂亮健康的宝宝令两人无比幸福。

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