

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 16:35   恩波教育

  24 Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the picture;

  2. point out the reasons for this phenomenon;

  3. suggest possible solutions.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  我们看了图画与提纲之后,对于这种文章的结构已经非常熟悉了。文章分为四段来写:描述图画——说明原因——提出解决办法——下结论。In the above picture, a student has got 68 in an examination, but he asks the teacher to give him 80, for he wants to get the title of an excellent student. Looking at the picture, we cant help thinking of the more and more serious phenomenon of students going to the teacher directly for higher grades.

  Schools are places where students learn knowledge and acquire skills, but some students never devote themselves to such an arduous yet enjoyable process. When the examination season arrives, they are busy searching for various methods to get satisfactory grades. Some stay up late to memorize as much knowledge as possible. Some even cheat in examinations in order to win ideal marks. Others go directly to the teachers, begging them to let them pass. In extreme cases, some students tell the teachers directly that they need a certain mark for a certain purpose.

  Such practices deprive national education of fairness and dignity. To prevent them from spreading, teachers should first of all take on their responsibilities. They should reject such students firmly and directly. If the students continue disturbing them with their unreasonable requests, the teachers should report to the school authorities. On this occasion, the school authorities should severely punish these students and those who help them in the efforts.

  If young students are used to achieving personal goals through unjust methods, when can we stop worrying about their future?文章的第一段,由于一句话就描述了图表,所以第二句话可以对这个现象进行小结。而最后一段是总结性的段落,这一段只有一句话,采用了条件状语从句加疑问句的模式。此段话还将第一段第二句话的小结做了进一步提炼,总结是“以不正当的方法来达到个人目的”,相当准确。





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