

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 16:35   恩波教育

  23 Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the picture;

  2. give your comment;

  3. suggest possible solutions.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  提纲一般分为三部分,最常见的有三种:第一点都是描述图画,第二点与第三点分别是解读加评论、原因及办法、评论加办法;第一种出现的几率最高,最难把握,但发挥的余地也最大,后两种出现的几率稍低,结构较为固定。该文属于最后一种情况,图画描述了公交车上令人不悦的一幕。本文可分为三段来写,第一段描述图画,第二段给这种现象定性,第三段给出解决问题的办法。In the picture, we see a young woman and her dog each occupying a seat on the bus. She refuses to give the seat up to an old man, emphasizing that she has also bought a ticket for the dog.

  Such is a scene that we may come across from time to time but wish that it would have never happened. The bus is a public transportation tool and it should meet the needs of human beings in the first place. Keeping pets is not prohibited, but bringing a pet onto a bus, especially a crowded bus, is at least inappropriate and illmannered, if not uncultured and illegal. Whats more, respecting the old has long been a national tradition—such a person as the girl depicted in the above picture is not only selfish and impolite but also uncivilized and detestable.

  To find a sound solution to such a problem, we should include the following three aspects. First, the bus company should make it clear to prohibit taking pets onto buses. Second, the mass media should advocate polite behaviors such as giving seats to old people, telling people that respecting old people is equal to respecting ourselves, as every one of us will be old in the future. Third, some individuals should take the lead in helping the driver keep the order of the bus—under the influence of models, more and more people will be ready to think of others before themselves. When such measures are adopted, the bus will be a typical public place full of love, care and harmony.第一段描述图画,清晰准确。

  第二段分四句话来写。第一句是统领句,突显了现实与理想的距离,注意该句中虚拟语气的使用。然后下分为两点来说:第二句说公交车是公共交通工具,应该首先(in the first place)满足人的需求。第三句话说养宠物并不被禁止,但是带宠物上公交车,即使不是无修养的和非法的,也是不合适和不礼貌的。该句中的难点是if not的用法,这里该结构中共用了四个词,分两个明显不同的层级,在同一层级中,后一个又比前一个程度深一些。段中第四句是第二点:尊敬老人长期以来就是民族传统——画中的女孩不仅自私无礼而且不文明、令人憎恶。句中有平行形容词的用法,程度也是渐进的。

  第三段写解决办法。首句是统领句,用的是常见的模板句,而后分三点讲。第一点讲公交公司应明确规定禁止携带宠物上车。第二点讲媒体应提倡让座等文明行为,告诉人们尊敬老人就是尊敬我们自己,因为我们每个人都会变老。第三点说有人应带头帮助司机维持秩序——在榜样的影响下,越来越多的人会养成先考虑别人的习惯。最后一句是总结,说采取了这些措施之后,公交车将会成为充满爱、关怀和和谐的地方。 大作文这几年一直是图画作文,分为社会时事与哲理两类。最近两三年阅卷的最大感受就是大作文正处在过渡阶段。一是由时事向哲理转变,由于转变尚未完成,这种结合显得相当微妙,明年出现这种情形的可能性还是很大。二是单纯的时事类文章也由平面向立体发展,尽量在一张图中包含多个元素。这篇文章就包括带宠物上车与不让座两个元素,还不算复杂。以后包含三个或以上元素的复合场景将慢慢增加比例。如果能养成多阅读、勤思考的习惯,必能跟上趋势的发展。


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