Dog owners often have an incredible affinity with their canine companions, but a prototype technology could soon take pet-to-human communication to the next level。
No More Woof is a headset that uses brain-scanning technology to detect a dog's thought patterns, analyse them and translate them into the spoken word。
Potential dog phrases already identified by the developers include: "This is splendid!", "Leave me alone", "I am so very weary", "Who are you?" and "Erm, why are you guys leaving?"
The technology used in No More Woof is a combination of the latest technologies in three different tech-areas, Electroencephalography (EEG) sensoring, micro-computing and special brain-computer interface software。
“读懂狗狗心” 耳机中的技术运用集合了三个不同技术领域中的最新成果,分别是脑电波传感技术、微运算技术和特殊的脑机接口软件。
In the last decade, huge discoveries have been made to map out the human brain’s functions, but the developers say it is the first time anyone made a serious attempt to apply this groundbreaking technology on man’s best friend。
Developers say they are only scraping the surface of possibilities. They want to go on and personalise the device to distinguish even more thoughts, and produce a combination of thoughts, like: "Who is that woman, she looks nice!"
They also hope to use the device to let hurt or disabled pets control artificial limbs or other appliances。
Finally, two-way communication is their "Holy Grail". A similar device to No More Woof could eventually be hooked up to humans translating our thoughts into "dog"。
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