A wave ofrecent research has pointed to the risks of overpraising a child.But for parents, drawing the line between too little praise and toomuch has become a high-pressure balancing act。
Cara Greene, a mother of three children ages 1 to 8, is waryof deliberately pumping up her kids' egos, for fear of instillingthe sense of entitlement she sees in young adults 'who have beentold they're wonderful and they can do anything.' But she alsowants them to have healthy self-esteem。
家住纽约市的卡拉 格林(CaraGreene)有三个一岁到八岁大的孩子。这位母亲一直很谨慎,不去刻意让孩子的自我膨胀,因为格林担心那样做会让孩子心中滋长出她在那些“一直以来都被告知他们很棒而且他们能做任何事”的年轻人身上所看到的那种自以为是的感觉。不过,她也希望自己的孩子们能够拥有健全的自我认知。
'We wouldn't be doing our children any favors by overinflatingtheir egos. At the same time, I want them to have the confidence totackle any challenge that is placed before them,' says Ms. Greene,of New York City。
Now, psychologists are creating a deeper and more nuancedunderstanding of self-esteem, which could make it easier forparents to walk that line. Some of the conclusions: It can actuallybe good for kids to have low self-esteem, at least temporarily. Andpraise can harm if it disregards the world outside the home.Children who have a realistic岸not inflated岸understanding of howthey are seen by others tend to be more resilient。
In the past, many parents and educators believed that highself-esteem predicted happiness and success, and that it could beinstilled in kids simply by doling out trophies and praise. Butresearchers have since found self-esteem doesn't predict theseoutcomes. High self-esteem is partly the result of goodperformance, rather than the cause. Inflating kids' self-esteem toomuch can backfire, making them feel worse later on when they hitsetbacks。
Self-esteem serves as a gauge岸a kind of inner psychologicalmeter岸of how much children feel valued and accepted by others,including family, friends and peers, based on research by MarkLeary, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at DukeUniversity, and others. This sensitivity to others' views evolvedbecause of humans' need for social acceptance, which in ancienttimes could be critical to survival, Dr. Leary says. As early asage 8, children's self-esteem tends to rise and fall in response tofeedback about whether peers see them as likable or attractive,says a 2010 study in Child Development。
根据杜克大学(Duke University)心理学与神经系统学教授马克 利里(MarkLeary)等人进行的一项研究,自我认知是一个度量标准、一种内在的心理学角度的衡量尺度,用于衡量孩子自我感觉到的自己在其他人心目中的重要程度、以及其他人对自己的接受程度,这里的“其他人”包括家人、朋友和同伴等等。利里博士表示,这种对他人观点的敏感度是因为人类需要社会的接纳而进化而来,,社会的接纳在远古社会有可能攸关生死。于2010年发表在学术期刊《儿童发展》(ChildDevelopment)上的一则研究报告称,早在八岁这个年龄,孩子的自我认知就会随着同伴是否认为他们可爱或是有魅力这样的反馈而增加或降低。
'Children absolutely need to feel valued, accepted and loved,and this will lead to high self-esteem,' Dr. Leary says. But it canalso be good for kids to feel bad about themselves temporarily, ifthey behave in selfish, mean or hurtful ways that might damagetheir ability to sustain relationships or hold a job in the future,he says. The best path is a middle road, helping children develop apositive but realistic view of themselves in relation toothers。
Ms. Greene's husband Jason, an actor and at-home dad, tries toteach their children what his grandfather taught him: 'Nobody isbetter than you, but you're not better than anybody else.' When his8-year-old son Wyatt started goofing around at practice for hissoccer team, which Mr. Greene coaches, he knew Wyatt was 'having amoment of feeling superior,' Mr. Greene says. He benched Wyattimmediately。
Later, he explained: 'I know it's hard to go by the rules allthe time, to stand in line and pay attention. But you're not betterthan the rules, and you're not more important than anyone else onthe team.' His son nodded, and 'we had a hug,' Mr. Greene says.Wyatt hasn't misbehaved at practice since。
The Greenes also step in with carefully targeted encouragementwhen their kids hit a rough patch. When Wyatt fell behind inreading at school last year, Mr. Greene says, 'his self-esteem wasfragile and almost gone.' They hired a tutor and worked with him onreading. But Mr. Greene also encouraged him to redefine his ownworth, saying, 'You're not measured upon rewards or grades. It'swho you are that matters.' And Ms. Greene told him, 'Everyone haschallenges. This happens to be yours.' Wyatt now reads well andenjoys it. But the Greenes hope he also learned a sturdier basisfor self-esteem。
文章关键词: 少儿英语